Mental health has become a more prevalent topic in societal discussions. People are constantly searching for ways to improve their mental health. Religious commitment and lovingkindness-compassion both have a positive correlation to mental health. We wanted to ask the question, is there a correlation between religious commitment and lovingkindness-compassion? We thought that one did not have to have high religious commitment to have lovingkindness-compassion and vice versa. To test this hypothesis, we created a Google form that listed all the statements used in the religious commitment inventory and lovingkindness-compassion scale in which participants rated how true or untrue the statements were to them. After performing a Pearson test on the participant’s scores, the results showed that there is no correlation between religious commitment and lovingkindness-compassion.
COMM 413, Advanced Interpersonal Communication
Doyle Srader
10 AM – Noon
Well done. I enjoyed watching your presentation. solid research and delivery.