Mai Tomlin


Forgiveness is more than just a random act. It is actually a vital part of both Christian faith and psychological well-being. God desires to have a relationship with us and then means that we must receive the forgiveness that Jesus purchased on the cross for us. He also wants us to give forgiveness to others. Jesus taught us to pray “…forgive us our debts and we forgive those who trespass against us.” Forgiving someone is not just at church, it is done every day, in every place we go. Besides God’s grace in salvation and forgiveness, He has provided us with a way to live in peace. There are psychological benefits to forgiving others. There are many steps and phases of forgiveness to learn and keep practicing. This capstone essay will show that forgiveness is Biblical, has proven psychological benefits, and has real world applications.

IDS 499, Senior Capstone

James Berry

Womack 100

2:30 – 3 PM

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Maylee Breiholz

The Greatest Commandment: The Best Strategies for Christian Teachers to Live out Christ’s Call in a Secular Setting

At an occupational level, there is one kind of individual that faces a unique set of challenges in living out Christ’s commands to love in the freest capacity, that is, the Christian teacher. Specifically, complications arise for those who teach in a secular workplace environment due to the Federal and State legislation set in place, which teachers must abide by. This of course is in addition to the taboos formed around any sort of mention of faith within public schools, even if it is according to regulation. Though, despite these challenges, teachers must not count themselves exempt from putting into practice the greatest commandments within their place of work. Even in a public school setting, teachers are still able to live out the call to love as Jesus has instructed. Within a secular teaching environment, the best way Christian teachers can successfully live out the greatest command–that is, to love–is by integrating their faith into teaching practices, fostering genuine relationships, and demonstrating Christ-like love through actions. 

IDS 499, Senior Capstone

James Berry


10 – 10:30 AM

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Cade Crist

Data Analytics in Today’s World

Data is the most important factor when it comes to innovation, efficiency, and strategic decision-making in today’s dynamic corporate environment. Organizations of all sizes, from small businesses to multinational conglomerates, are utilizing data to boost performance, get actionable insights, and open up new growth opportunities. As we explore the complex network of data analytics, it becomes clear that its importance goes beyond simple analysis; rather, it acts as a catalyst for a significant change in the way companies run and compete on the world stage. This conceptual shift is primarily driven by the increasing influence of data in the modern business environment. Data generation has reached previously unheard-of levels in terms of volume, velocity, and variety due to the widespread adoption of digital technologies. Every click, purchase, and interaction generates an abundance of data that presents organizations with priceless chances to comprehend consumer behavior, predict industry trends, and enhance operations. Organizations that can successfully collect, handle, and use data have a clear competitive edge in today’s data-rich environment, which spurs innovation and success.

IDS 499, Senior Capstone

James Berry


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10:30 – 11 AM

John Stephens

Applying the Brand Gap

The book The Brand Gap is an excellent example for how good marketing is done. In order to do this organizations must differentiate, collaborate, innovate, validate, cultivate cultivate which are all major terms that are used in this book. Some organizations tend to do these fairly poorly such as a lot of churches. I have attended two churches on the opposite ends of the spectrum that do marketing poorly by either over or under marketing. Some organizations just have not implemented a plan yet such as the Cottage Grove Humane Society which needs a structured plan of establishing a memorable brand, advertising well, and following the principles of this book.

IDS 499, Senior Capstone

James Berry


1 – 1:30 PM

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Niamh Taylor-Hughes

Athletes must restrict their use of social media in order to maintain a good performance.

Athletes must restrict their use of social media in order to maintain a good performance. The term ‘social media’ refers to the various internet-based networks that enable users to interact with others, verbally and visually (Carr & Hayes, Citation2015). Social media is the fastest growing form of communication currently. There are positive and negative sides to social media, as there is for everything. The usage of social media is set to continue growing as there are currently 4.95 billion social media users globally (Shewale R., 2024). Most people you come across have some form of social media. People’s usage of social media ranges from news, keeping in touch with family/friends, or business. There are so many platforms of social media such as Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, VSCO, Snapchat, and the list goes on. Facebook has the highest number of users with 3.05 billion individuals having accounts (Braghieri 2022). With the high usage of social media, there has been a strong connection seen between social media and poor mental health. 

IDS 499, Senior Capstone

James Berry


11 – 11:30 AM

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Livia Tjoelker

Young-earth Creationists Integration of Faith & Science

Although the evolutionary view on the creation of life is often trademarked as the only scientific view, a literal interpretation of scripture can be supplemented by many different forms of science and research. First and foremost, embryonic development. The entire foundation of my argument will be built beginning with the earliest stages of our human life. Secondly, I will unpack baraminology, a term coined by creation biologist Frank Marsh. Baraminology is the study of created kinds and comes from two Hebrew words; ‘bara’ (created) and ‘min’ (kind) (Wood). Baraminology demonstrates God’s intentionality, perfect organization, and Adam’s role in the garden of Eden. Next, I will discuss the interesting topic on the validity of the flood found in the book of Genesis approximately 4,359 years ago (Wright). Lastly, I will provide the most common alternative view of evolution which I have taken a college course for and will supply a theological argument that implores believers to hold firm to scripture rather than what the world says. “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” Genesis 1:1. The infallible, inerrant, word of God explicitly explains the beginning of creation. For Christians, this verse should be sufficient for understanding the beginning of creation and every living thing around us. With scripture as the basis of truth over all else, we can dive into other aspects of life that supplement biblical understanding of the world around us. I believe it is honoring to the Lord to acknowledge the mystery of creation and that as mere humans we will not ever be able to fully understand every facet of life that God providentially designed. With this attitude as creation scientists, we can dive into the beauty of creation, learn as much as we can about how our Maker’s design, and elevate Him with our discoveries. In addition, as believers it is important to stand firm and defend our faith when the enemy works through the doubts and criticisms of others. For many people the book of Genesis is not sufficient so as defenders of the faith, we can take what we know about the world around us and affirm what scripture has already told us. This is a daunting task, and it is true how hard the evil one works while trying to lure us into compromising our faith but there have been many young-earth creationists who have walked ahead of us.   

IDS 499, Senior Capstone

James Berry


11:30 AM – Noon

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Amanda Torres-Sanchez

The impact of adverse childhood experiences and interventions for long-term well-being.

Everyone deserves to live a life that brings them safety, comfort, flourishment, and love. Unfortunately, some people face unimaginable events early on in their lives that affect the trajectory of it. Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are significant events that may affect how children perceive life and act toward others. Some may experience a triumphant story of overcoming the odds that were stacked against them, and some may lead a life of dysfunction. Many children who have faced ACEs have entered the foster care system because of abuse and neglect from their primary caregivers. Actions by professionals and community members must be taken to support children in care who are struggling as a result of maltreatment to promote long-term well-being. In Lane County, some organizations are already doing great work to care for these children who have experienced hurt, but there is still much work that needs to be done. Psychological interventions like trauma-informed care and mentorship programs are crucial to promoting long-term well-being among youth in foster care. 

IDS 499, Senior Capstone

James Berry


1:30 – 2 PM

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Taiga Yamane

Taiga Yamane

The power of mind

In life, individuals encounter nerve-wracking and stressful situations that they would like to avoid but cannot. Example situations can be a job interview or client negotiations in business and game-change moments in sports. In the competitiveness of business and sports, success does not only come from physical skills or technical expertise. We can elevate our performance by the power of the mind. The incorporation of visualization techniques or mental imagery into preparations has emerged as an effective tool for individuals who are seeking to enhance their performance. By imaging success and mentally rehearsing the scenarios, individuals can anticipate their stress and perform effectively. I would like to delve into the benefits of those techniques for performance improvement and examine their applications in both business and sports in this project. This essay also aims to explain the potential of visualization techniques as a powerful tool and my practice model.

IDS 499, Senior Capstone

James Berry


2 – 2:30 PM

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Zoe Tomlin

An Understanding of Jonah.

This capstone paper is about the Biblical book of Jonah. It is taking all the elements found in Jonah and tying in psychological theories and ideas to see if Jonah was truly a loser or if there is another element of the story people have been missing. Jonah is a prophet called by God to go to the great city of Nineveh and preach to them about repenting or else they would be destroyed. The city of Nineveh is hated by most and does many sinful acts, so it would be understandable that Jonah would want to avoid that area. According to Jonah, he would rather die then help the helpless. But Jonah is God’s prophet and he is called to deliver God’s Word.

IDS 499, Senior Capstone

James Berry


1 – 1:30 PM

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Alex Locati

The Danger of Difference and How Teachers Can Cultivate Success

Teaching is historically a profession dominated by white, middle-class, women from rural towns. As the diversity of the United States population continues to increase, so does the need for teachers and educators to respond to and accommodate the learners of these different cultures, ethnicities, and backgrounds that appear in their classrooms. Currently, there is a gap in academic performance between different groups of students, and it is important that we address this issue. White, Black, Hispanic, boys, and girls should all have an equal opportunity for a quality education that prepares them for their future. Ignorance and avoidance of differences between teachers and students can cause issues and create a hindering learning environment where students are not able to receive the help they need. In the context of a student-centered learning environment, this research focuses on how teachers can use culturally responsive pedagogy to understand how to address the needs of all students in their classrooms, and in Oregon specifically. Through the culturally responsive practices of differentiation, meaningful relationship, and continuing education and training, teachers can learn how to best approach their student’s learning and consequently, serve the achievement gap in Oregon.

IDS 499, Senior Capstone

Brian Mills


3 – 3:30 PM

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Garrison Lyman

Battling Juvenile Delinquency  

Investigating what causes juveniles to be delinquent from poor school attendance, poor educational standards, violence in the home, violence in their social circles, peer pressure, socioeconomic factors, substance abuse, and gender bias.  I want to explore these topics as a sense to understand the current situation children are put in that can cause them to lash out and become more hostile towards others.  So, we need to look at not only the children but the parental influence as well.   If their parents are frequent offenders of the law, the children would most likely follow down that path as well.    

IDS 499, Capstone 

Brian Mills 


1 – 1:30 PM 

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Katarina Maciel

Societal Perceptions of Intimate Partner Rape

Within our society, rape has not been viewed as a prominent concern. Despite the statistics on the prevalence of rape, societal beliefs have until recent years allowed marital rape to persist legally across the United States. The rape culture that exists across the nation has influenced the treatment of both rape victims and offenders. Victims of intimate partner rape are unlikely to report an attempted or completed rape due to societal beliefs surrounding this topic. The post-traumatic experiences of victims and perpetrators of intimate partner rape are heavily influenced by the erroneous beliefs which society holds, known as rape myths. These include minimizing the severity of a rape and placing blame on rape victims. Rape myths distort legal and societal judgments regarding both victims and perpetrators of intimate partner rape. An individual’s endorsement of hostile and benevolent sexist beliefs influence the way in which he or she perceived instances of rape. Those who held sexist beliefs endorsed rape myths more than those who did not. In terms of the criminalization of perpetrators, intimate partner rape perpetrators were given less severe sentences than perpetrators of stranger rape. Conversely, victims of intimate partner rape experienced more shame and guilt than victims of stranger rape. Victims of intimate partner rape are negatively affected by societal perceptions of rape. Crimes labeled, “intimate partner rape,” were seen as less traumatic than experiences of stranger rape. The decision of a victim to disclose a rape event to a support provider is determined by the victim’s perception of how this individual may react to hearing about the rape. Researchers reported that societal beliefs must be changed by means of educating the public and increasing awareness of intimate partner rape. Future directions for research include investigating the viewpoint of perpetrators of intimate partner rape.

IDS 499, Capstone

Mary Ann Winter-Messiers


2:30 – 3 PM

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Kendall Bergsten

Management and Successful Sports Programs

For this project, a study was conducted on how to run a successful college sports program. The Interdisciplinary Studies degree has three legs. The three legs focused on for this study were Business, Marketing, and Psychology. All three of these areas are essential in running a successful college sports program. It is essential for a coach to be able to run their team, schedule practice and practice plans, budget for the entire year, and hire the right coaching staff. From a marketing standpoint, it is important for coaches to be able to recruit the right players for their program as well as recruiting loyal fans to cheer the team on. Lastly, from a psychology standpoint, it is important to find the style of coaching that works best for players and learn the best way to motivate players by bringing out the best in them on and off the court. By studying current and past successful coaches, one can gain insight on the best methods that have worked for other coaches and personalize those methods. The coaches being studied included Russ Rose and John Dunning who are extremely successful coaches within the volleyball world. Pat Summit was extremely well known within basketball as well as John Wooden. Lastly, Nick Saban has a reputation for being one of the best college football coaches of all time. By studying these coaches, one has the necessary tools to run a successful college sports program regardless of the sport.

IDS 499 Capstone

Mick Bollenbaugh

PFB 114

10:00 – 10:30 AM

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Kayla Morgan

Philosophy and Care of the Soul

In any society, there is evidence that supports the notion that humans are susceptible to suffering whether it be physically, mental, or spiritually. However, as many ancient philosophers taught, philosophy could be the key to releasing ourselves from the oppressive weight that is called life. In essence, philosophy could become a therapy or medicine for our souls that could lessen our internal turmoil and external strife. In effect, Philosophy could become an effective therapeutic approach to doctoring our souls through the rebirth of beliefs and the liquidation of our inaccurate perceptions. In this presentation, different approaches to the therapeutic side of philosophy will be explored, as seen in different philosophical works. For instance, important thinkers such as Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle will be included as well as those individuals who represent major philosophical practices and thought like Stoicism and Epicureanism. Overall, the aim of this study was to better explore how one might change their beliefs, meditate on who they are, be mindful, practice a practical everyday philosophy, pursue knowledge, truth, and meaning, and ultimately care for their souls.

IDS 499 Capstone

Mick Bollenbaugh

PFB 114

10:30 – 11:00 AM

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