Gracelyn Johnson

Transitions in Elementary Schools 

What are the positive and negative aspects of accelerating and maximizing elementary school core instruction transitions? We will investigate the advantages of swift transitions in the classroom as well as techniques that teachers can employ when their elementary school curriculum shifts from core to elective instruction. Research on tactics that can work well or poorly in the classroom has been found.Providing students the opportunity to attend to their own social and emotional needs during transitions can help them do so without causing disruptions. Teachers who have used brain breaks during the transitions between core instruction have been interviewed by us. The purpose of brain breaks is to provide learners with a mental break that will aid in maintaining focus. Students are encouraged to move during breaks in order to refocus their energy and deliver blood and oxygen to the brain. However there are some negatives that teachers implement in their classrooms, one being timed tradition games. Giving students timed games during transitions wouldn’t be the most beneficial strategy. With the use of these games, students can time how quickly they can get their materials and return to their seats. Since not every student will benefit from this, there could potentially be problems. Timed activities can be difficult for students because they place needless additional pressure and stress on them, which can and will impair performance. A student’s difficulties during a transition may have an unintended impact on the lesson that follows. Gonoodle is a useful website that teachers can use for brain breaks. With the aid of quick interactive exercises like brain breaks, the free online resource movement tool assists teachers in getting students moving. There are other video selections available on the website, including ones tailored to a certain grade level, curriculum, and activity kinds. 

EDUC 321, Classroom Relations & Management

Brian Kaelin

Bucher Room

10 AM – Noon

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