Girl Scouts 990 Presentation
For ACE Day, I will presenting on the non-profit organization Girl Scouts for the Non-Profit Accounting 470 class. Throughout the presentation the audience will learn about who the Girl Scouts organization is, their history and their 990 Form. The 990 Form is important because it lets the public know their records and gives potential donors some insight before donating to them. It also informs the IRS the nonprofits financial status and see if they meet the qualifications for being tax exempted. Within the presentation there will be slides that cover the organizations service accomplishments, required schedules, IRS Filings, Management, Compensations, Statement of Revenue, Balance Sheet, Financial Statements, Contributions and many more. The purpose of this presentation is to inform audiences on whether or not from the research done, if the organization is a good place to donate to and whether or not their money is going to actually benefit what they are saying will.
ACTG 470, Accounting for Non-Profit Organizations
Stacey Lewis
10 AM – Noon