Incentives in the Classroom
Our project is about incentives in the classroom. The research question that we chose to focus on is, “Do classroom incentive programs really benefit student performance?” Teachers design incentives to provide students with clear feedback on appropriate classroom behavior, and a path to progress towards mastery of the curriculum. Teachers have the choice to design their own incentives and to choose which system fits best in their classroom. In order for incentives to truly work it must be followed consistently and needs to maintain student interest. The concept of incentives is to provide rewards at a variety of levels and to link it with expectations. Incentives play a huge role with target behavior in the classroom as well. The pros to incentives is that it changes behavior quickly, it is easy for students to understand, and encourages involvement and participation. The cons of incentives are, it is only temporary, it can be expensive, some students might give up, and it can lose value. There have been several studies done within incentives in the classroom for all grade levels. Researchers have found that incentives can boost student performance. Incentives has the ability to make students take tests and to take classwork more seriously. Researchers also found that elementary students are more responsive to incentives than high school students. Overall incentives can benefit and improve student performance throughout the classroom.
EDUC 330, Child Development
Brian Kaelin
Banquet Room, Poster #4
10 AM – Noon