Verbal Aggressiveness and Humor
The purpose of this study was to identify the correlation between verbal aggressiveness and humor. The hypothesis was that individuals who utilize a greater level of humor while communicating are less verbally aggressive and individuals that use less humor are more verbally aggressive. This study consisted of seventy-five people participating in a survey that was made up of two questionnaires. The questionnaires measured humor and verbal aggression. The participants’ sense of humor was measured as it related to the situation, level of detail, prior planning, and number of different humor behavior types. Verbal aggression was measured based on how individuals influenced others to do what they wanted. After we applied a Pearson correlation test, a minimal negative correlation resulted. However, the study did not support the hypothesis to a significant extent.
COMM 413, Advanced Interpersonal Communication
Doyle Srader
10 AM – Noon
Great Presentation. Well thought out and well presented