Ruby Daniels

Story of the flood from The Epic of Gilgamesh

In the “Epic of Gilgamesh,” the story of the flood is a pivotal episode that parallels the biblical narrative of Noah’s Ark. The gods, angered by humanity’s noise and overpopulation, decide to unleash a catastrophic flood to wipe out all life. The god Ea, however, warns the hero, Utnapishtim, instructing him to build a large boat to preserve the seed of all living things. Utnapishtim, along with his family, craftsmen, and animals, survives the flood. Afterward, he releases a series of birds to find dry land, and when a dove fails to return, indicating the existence of solid ground, they disembark. The flood narrative in the Epic of Gilgamesh explores themes of mortality, divine intervention, and the cyclical nature of life and death. This story is considered one of the earliest literary accounts of a great flood in human mythology.

HIST 161, World History I

Stephen Andes


1 – 4 PM

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