Ryan Bates

7 Key Characteristics of Succesful Church Plants

The purpose of this paper is to provide church planters with a tool to help them do better with what they feel called to do. Close to one-third of church plants don’t make it to year 5, and the majority that do remain small and struggling, and this paper is to help church plants to continue to grow and flourish. This paper identifies seven key areas that are essential for church success, and goes into detail on how new plants can utilize them. The seven key areas are; Community Driven, Teamwork and Togetherness, Strong Vision, the Importance and Reality of the Gospel, an Evangelical Focus, Proper Marketing, and Strong Leadership. This paper goes in depth on how these seven characteristics are essential for today’s church planter, and looks at multiple different models of ministry that use these characteristics successfully.

CM 499, Capstone

Terry O’Casey


11:30 AM – Noon

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Mitchell Davis & Alec Duncan

The Church & Youth Identity Formation

At the core of any human is their self-identity. The process of identity formation happens primarily during one’s youth. The culture of our world today is damaging for youth identity formation. Social Media and the entertainment industry promote unhealthy lifestyles and cause youth to form their identities around unhealthy things. Our hope with this study is to give churches a look into what they can do to help students form their identities around God instead of the world.  First research was done in the area of identity formation, exploring different theories on how identity is formed in the human mind. Next, we studied adolescent culture in the past and present day. After identifying key influences on identity formation, we looked at how the church can answer the questions running around the minds of young students struggling to find their identity. Our main conclusions are that the Church needs to be a place where students can find their purpose in Christ, unconditional love, and relationships with older believers who can mentor them.

CM 499, Capstone

Terry O’Casey


11 – 11:30 AM

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Chloe Combs & Joseph Laurendeau

Redefining Communication and Education Through Storytelling and the Arts.

The majority of the world’s population identify as oral learners, meaning they more effectively understand and exchange information by means other than reading and writing. Despite this fact, oral communication has become a lost art over the years. Education systems and daily human interaction have come to rely on technology and print communication almost exclusively. This presentation focuses on the power and importance of orality-based communication, and addresses the benefits and validity of storytelling and the arts in education.

CM 499, Capstone

Terry O’Casey


10 – 10:30 AM

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Calvin Anderson

The Injustice of Youth Homelessness

Homeless youth are typically between the ages of 12-24. Youth are homeless for a number of reasons, including aging out of the foster care system, getting kicked out of their homes, running to the streets due to abusive home lives, addictions to drugs and alcohol, and growing up in homeless families. Youth must learn to survive on the street, leading many to engage in risky behaviors such as survival sex and crime. Local to Eugene, there are hundreds of homeless youth, and thousands of homeless individuals. Nationally, there are millions. Youth homelessness is one of the greatest injustices in the 21st century. Society, specifically Jesus followers, must come together to help get homeless youth off the streets permanently. Jesus was near to the poor, and we must also be near to the poor. Although there are many long term remedies to helping homeless youth discover life, one immediate remedy is to teach them social skills and give them joyful experiences in community outings. Community outings are about reconciling youth back to society in a fun way, while teaching them vital life skills that will aid their future.

CM 499 Capstone

Terry O’Casey

PFB 114

11:00 – 11:30 AM

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