Karina Phifer

The Ramifications Of Child Maltreatment in Personality Development

Exposure to child maltreatment (CM) at any stage of development may have enduring ramifications on one’s personality. Individuals with a history of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) have an increased risk for psychopathology. Many of these risk factors have been associated with anxiety, depression, and personality disorders (PDs). PDs that I discussed were paranoid personality disorder, schizoid personality disorder, and antisocial personality disorder. The purpose of this evidence-based synthesis paper was to (a) analyze interrelationships between the different types of CM, (b) childhood experiences from maltreatment, and (c) the effects of personality development and behavior. By reviewing 16 empirical articles from 1999 to 2023, I found that neglect played a key role in the relationship between CM with personality traits during development. However, the research is limited and more studies on neglect are needed to better understand this important issue and how to prevent it.

PSY499- Senior Capstone

Dr. Erin Mueller

2pm – P103