Ruben Carmona

Winston Churchill War Rooms

The Churchill War Rooms in London, England, had been a beneficial learning experience to my study abroad trip. The Churchill War Room Museum was the original location where the British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, and his cabinet had met during World War II (WWII) to discuss their plan of action to defeat Germany and its allies. During WWII, Winston Churchill had been advised to leave London and be kept somewhere safe from war but Winston Churchill had insisted that he’d stay and have the same war experiences as his fellow Londoners. The War Rooms were used for a variety of functions: to keep track of the enemy by map, to telephone others for help, to house the Prime Minister, and to serve as a bunker. Having been able to personally experience the war rooms had a valuable impact on my education because I was able recognize the importance and positive impact Winston Churchill had on the British community as well as the rest of Britain’s allies.

GLST 295 Study Abroad

Lauren Riley

Banquet Room, Poster #10

10:00 AM – Noon

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Ruben Carmona & Emily Sutherland

The Affects of Gender on Following Directions

An individual’s ability to keep on task when doing a task is important for performance and learning. Many times  minds wander to something else while completing  a task.  In the present study  it was hypothesized that female participants would follow the instructions  as compared to male participants.. Each participant was given a worksheet with 10 questions.  They were instructed to read all of the questions before completing the worksheet. The last item on the worksheet instructed the students to complete questions number one, three, and seven. The number of questions each person answered was counted. The results indicated that there were no significant differences in males and females and the number of questions that were answered.

PSY 350 Research Methods

Nani Skaggs

Banquet Room, Poster #11

10:00 AM – Noon

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