One or Many: Many Short Messages as More Persuasive Over One Fully Explained Message
Loneliness is a silent struggle of many people. Most people are fearful of talking to others, think they do better on their own, or sometimes are just silent when in public spaces. What if there was a way to convince people to go up to strangers? Could loneliness be combated with persuasive appeals? People processes appeals centrally and peripherally, but which one is more effective? Central route processing of messages is taxing. Most people think that they are quite efficient at determining the validity of information. Most of the time people don’t have the mental capacity to think over every bit of information of every argument that is presented to them. That is why people often default to peripheral route processing of information. Many small appeals can be more effective at persuading someone in the long term over a single long detailed message.
COMM 450, Persuasion
Doyle Srader
11:30 AM – Noon
Join the Zoom discussion afterward. The presenter and faculty advisor both have the password.