Jordan Kuykendall

Relationship between Genetics and Personalities

Genetics and personalities, two very interesting topics that could very possibly have correlations and a relationship with each other. Understanding how genetics plays into personality disorders is another aspect that does not go deep into detail mainly because there is not enough research around the subject. The biggest aspect of genetics that plays into one’s personalities is the nature versus nurture aspect. The environment that someone is surrounded by during the developmental stages of their lives play the biggest role in the idea of genetics and personality disorders. There are ten different personality disorders that are typically related to the environmental aspects of genetics. However, not enough information has been discovered to determine if there is actually a correlation between genetics and personalities, but it is currently being looked into and further studied and maybe in future years the idea of genes correlating with personality and personality disorders will probably be deeper in understanding and further the knowledge of the possibilities.

BIOL 499, Senior Capstone

Paul Allee


2:30 – 3 PM

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