Joshua McCluskey

Comparing the effects of different classes of medication in the management of hypertension 

The diagnosis of hypertension is common and treatment is frequently viewed as very simple. Treating hypertension takes more than just lowering the blood pressure of an individual. There are comorbidities that affect and are affected by the treatment of hypertension: kidney disease and cardiovascular disease. In this review we discuss the different preferences of using either Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, Calcium Channel blockers, Beta Blockers, and Diuretics when managing hypertension with the use of medications. It appears that Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) inhibitors were preferential to the management of kidney disease secondary to hypertension. Calcium channel blockers were additionally found to have an advantage with many cardiovascular diseases while beta blockers were also considered for cardiovascular issues including atrial fibrillation and tachycardia specifically. Beta blockers and Diuretics had minute differences in secondary management of cardiovascular disease and kidney disease when compared. 

CHEM 415, Biochemistry 

Heike McNeil 


11:30 AM – Noon 

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