Tyler King

Remember and the Bible

Remembering is a major theme of the Hebrew Bible from altars to Israelites forgetting, and this theme persists into the New Testament. What can we learn about God through seeing how the word remember is used in the New Testament and how does that affect our walk with God? The words remember remind and forget come up eighty different times in the New Testament making them a central piece of these letters therefore christians should pay attention to how they are used. Some lessons that can be learned from examining how these themes are used are, praying for the persecuted church, dwelling on scripture, using physical reminders, having mentors/mentees, and more.

CM 499 – Senior Capstone

Dr. Agam Iheanyi-Igwe

3pm – Bucher Room

Hannah Hull, Liz Jarvis, Tyler King & Jacob Lilley

Marketing 330 Product Proposal: Bringing Back the Classics of the Past

We will give an Oral Presentation for Marketing 330 Product Proposal: Bringing Back the Classics of the Past. This presentation will describe a product development proposal for Chevy.

MKTG 330, Marketing

Tim Veach

Bucher Room

1 – 3 PM

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Tyler King

Examining the Christian Departments at Bushnell

In higher education there has been many complaints that the concepts are ethnocentric around white western culture. It is clear that this could have some racial implications that could be detrimental to our society. This study aims to check if the books that professors in the Christian Ministry department and Bible and Theology department, are written by ethnically diverse authors. My hypothesis is that the lack of diversity within the reading causes minority students to be less engaged in the material. Through looking at the textbooks assigned in the classes we will be able to determine if they are all written by a certain group. I hope to point out a clear fixable issue at Bushnell that can change so that we can encourage diversity so that different ethnicities feel welcomed in the Christian departments.

SOC 410, Global Issues: Race in America

Melisa Ortiz Berry

Bushnell History Symposium, P103

10 AM – 1 PM

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