The 60s Student Movement: Ignoring Marxist Evil on Display
During the 1960s, many key formative movements happened in the life of our nation. One such movement was the communist student movement. In this project, I explored the communist student movement by attempting to answer the following question, “Didn’t the students of the 1960s know that communism was a catalyst for hundreds of millions of deaths and countlesss other human rights offenses?” In answering this query, we might speak in defense of the students that the former attempts at communism “did not do it right”, and further that the students would not have had access to real time information about the ills of Mao and Khrushchev during their time. But the evidence suggests that these are false assumptions. I reveal in this project some of the most prominent voices in the communist student movement of the 1960s to show what the students were being taught about commmunism. I then reveal some blaring, prominent, credible, and easily accessible sources of information on the contemporary ills of communism that the students should have used to respond in rejecting those teachings. I discuss the question of how this could have happened then, what we can learn from this dilemna and what encouragement the Bible has for us today on this subject. To finish, I welcome critical feedback and discussion.
HIST 317, Studies in American History: The 1960s
Melisa Ortiz Berry
Bushnell History Symposium, P103
9:30 AM – Noon