Molly Haley

Expense Tracker Website

I created an expense tracker website for my capstone project. The inspiration from this came from my own struggles with tracking my expenses, and I thought it would be neat to create a tool that I could use in the future. This website was created in VSCode and implements a full MERN stack utilizing MongoDB, Express, ReactJS, and Node_modules. My presentation will consist of an explanation of what it means to implement MERN stack, along with explanations of my database and front end developing process. I will then complete the presentation by showing how my webpage works. 

SFTE 499, Senior Capstone

Ernest Bonat


10 – 10:30 AM

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Ian Woodcock

Synthetic Generation of Genomic Datasets using Synthetic Data Vault

Many wonder what the mysterious world of coding can allow you to do. The first things that come to mind are software UI (User Interface) or UX (User Experience), maybe game development, and many other things out there. But there is one field that may seem to be hidden from the world. All are found in some virtual underground dungeon. No, I am not taking you to the dark web. I am talking about data analysis and machine learning. Python is the best programming language that allows you to manipulate Excel datasets. From containing personal information of customers to numbers of statistics of a store and their items. We can use those kinds of datasets and use one to program it to run through an algorithm to give us simply a score. In this, we will be dealing with DNA genomic datatsets and we will put it through an algorithm that creates synthetic genomic data. The score will specifically focus on the broadness to unuiqueness of the type of genomic data in the original dataset and the new dataset.

SFTE 499, Senior Capstone

Ernest Bonat

Richardson 100

10 – 10:30 AM

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