Max Richards

Addressing the Growth and Development of Mental Health Needs of Military Personnel: The Impact of Expanding Counseling Services

In this evidence-based synthesis paper, I reviewed 20 empirical studies that range from 2012 to 2024 to examine the rise of counseling services inside the military for personnel and veterans. This reflects an increasing recognition of their unique mental health needs and the importance of covering the challenges they experience, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, anxiety, and substance abuse disorders (SUDs). Military personnel face a multitude of significant stressors in their careers that can contribute to suicide ideation as well as create issues with reintegration into civilian life. The studies also addressed the role of the Veterans Administration (VA) and other organizations in helping military personnel with these mental health issues. Researchers have found it to be difficult to make changes in treatment efficacy because of the overall stigma and stereotypes that surround the military and counseling services. I also summarized research on the alternative treatment for the challenges military personnel experiences, including wilderness therapy, group counseling sessions, and different types of medicines. Overall, this analysis highlights the cultural shift toward destigmatizing mental health services in the military, while identifying the areas that cause distress and ways to better support those who have served.

PSY 499, Senior Capstone

Erin Mueller

Womack 100

1 – 1:30 PM

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Abigail Wammock

Psychological Influences on Juvenile Delinquency: Insights for Prevention and Intervention Strategies

In this evidence-based synthesis paper, I reviewed findings across 19 empirical studies from 2006 to 2023 to summarize the psychological influences that contribute to juvenile delinquency, as well as the development of effective prevention and intervention strategies for at risk-youth. Across these articles, researchers examined theoretical frameworks, the complex interplay of risk factors, and refinement of crime prevention strategies. It has been widely accepted that criminal behavior and juvenile delinquency are caused by a variety of factors, such as socioeconomic status and family dynamics. I found consensus across many of the articles with regard to an emphasis on the impact of individual traits on juvenile delinquency, specifically that personality characteristics are significant determinants of delinquent behavior. Additionally, research emphasized that possessing awareness of resilience and protective factors can enhance the development of effective intervention strategies. The utilization of early intervention is critical, as it has shown to prevent the onset of delinquent behavior and supports the development of youths’ resilience and assets.

PSY 499, Senior Capstone

Erin Mueller

Womack 100

1:30 – 2 PM

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Madison Bender

Pornography Consumption: Biopsychosocial Effects and Treatment Implications

In this evidence-based synthesis paper, I reviewed findings across 18 empirical studies and five additional sources from 2011 to 2024 to summarize the currently known research on the negative biological, psychological, and social aspects of pornography consumption. Pornographic content has been traced back to 1524 and has evolved to become a culturally accepted phenomenon in many parts of the world through technological advances. Researchers have found that altered genes and reward pathways in the brain may contribute to the formation of problematic pornography usage. Physical issues, such as erectile dysfunctions, may arise from excessive pornography use. Psychologically, emotional regulation, mental health disorders, and dehumanization also may occur. Common emotions that may arise from pornography use are shame, guilt, loneliness, depression, and anxiety. Relationships and social functioning also may be affected by pornography use due to exploitation of other human beings and moral incongruence. Attachment styles between the user and their friends and family have shown to be impacted. Socially, human trafficking also is being supported through the use of pornography, with the majority of women and children shown in online pornography being victims of human trafficking. Treatments for pornography addictions are sparse and consist of different forms of psychotherapy. Because pornography use is culturally acceptable in America, pornography addiction is not seen as an addiction and is not widely addressed. Further research, replication, and attention are needed to uncover the true impact that pornography usage has.

PSY 499, Senior Capstone

Erin Mueller


11 – 11:30 AM

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Kaitlin Cook

Posttraumatic Growth: Protective Factors and Instilling Resilience into Future Generations

Emerging research shows potential for positive psychological adaptations post adversity. In this evidence-based research paper, I examined 21 peer reviewed articles and supplementary materials dating from 2003 to 2024 in order to connect ideas of posttraumatic and resilience growth capabilities, predictors, and outcomes. In this review, I aimed to reframe traumatic experiences from a salutogenic perspective by highlighting the opportunity for personal and social advancement following adverse experiences. Through psychological interventions, self-dedication, and success strivings, individuals may reconstruct life meaning and develop greater levels of prosocial behavior, empathy, altruism, and problem solving. Adverse experiences in many cases are unavoidable; therefore, increasing psychological strength through resilience training and growth-based parenting is a priority to instill hope into future generations. Post trauma functioning given adaptive responses has outcomes of social and cognitive flourishing. Future research should prioritize increasing the body of longitudinal data by comparing baseline levels of functioning and life meaning to growth capabilities following trauma. Research directions should seek to develop practical ways to implement resiliency within institutions and integrate it into social constructs. 

PSY 499, Senior Capstone

Erin Mueller


11:30 AM – Noon

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Alsea Diffenderfer

Psychoneuroimmunology in Childhood Abuse Survivors

In this evidence-based synthesis paper, I examined 19 empirical articles as well as three additional sources dating from 2008 to 2024 to review the research on psychoneuroimmunology with a focus on stress caused by childhood abuse. Psychoneuroimmunology refers to the study between the connections of the nervous system, the immune system, and psychological factors. It has been studied since the 1970s and recently has gained much traction in healthcare as research continues to affirm the importance of these connections as it relates to trauma. Child abuse is a trauma endured by thousands in the United States each year. Studies have shown that biological and psychological altercations can occur as the result of maltreatment in childhood and if not properly cared for, can result in long-term negative implications on quality of life. To offer a holistic approach to healthcare for those who have survived childhood abuse, it is imperative to continue broadening our understanding and account for each branch of psychoneuroimmunology in trauma recovery. 

PSY 499, Senior Capstone

Erin Mueller


1 – 1:30 PM

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Tierra Dumlao

Social Media’s Role in Suicide

This evidence-based synthesis paper contains topics on suicide. I reviewed 18 empirical studies from 2018 to 2024 and summarized them in order to understand the impact of social media, and its role in suicide. These articles included information and data on the psychological effects that an individual may have when suicide-related content is posted on social media. In addition, some articles included recommendations for individuals who would like to post suicide-related content on social media. From the articles that I have reviewed, it is apparent that there are many ways the internet can influence someone’s mental health: negative self-comparison, social imitation, social isolation, and cyberbullying experiences that could potentially lead to suicide. When studying adolescents, researchers focused on specific mental states that show suicidal ideation and behavior. Furthermore, the evaluation of how suicide-related content is posted and interacted with has been examined. From these studies, it became evident that there are some psychological reasons why individuals who use social media may feel the need to consistently use it. Concepts such as Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, social learning theory, self-esteem, persona implication, the Werther effect, and the Papageno effect have been identified as reasons that an individual would commit suicide. It is important to address this outside perspective as social media has become normalized in society. Future research should focus on suicide, social media, and the overlapping factors to better understand this complex relationship. Moreover, the understanding of these connections can increase prevention efforts and save lives, decreasing the number of suicides.

PSY 499, Senior Capstone

Erin Mueller


1:30 – 2 PM

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Bethany LaFon

Technology in the Workplace

In this evidence-based synthesis paper, I have reviewed the findings of 15 current research articles dating from 2019 to early 2024. The focus of this evidence-based synthesis review was on the relationship between growing efforts in the workplace for integration of technology and the relationship between human and machine. These articles included information about changing laws, because of increased technology use, changes regarding personal and work balance having no boundaries due to technology, and the changes of workplace dynamics due to the integration of technology. In many of the articles, there were other common themes, such individuals advocating for technology because of a loss of connection with clients, and many others refusing technology because of the negative outcomes it has had on their personal life and work lives. In my research, I found that there is considerable debate between the benefits of growing technology and the negative outcomes of technology. Relationships have changed, and people crave a connection with others. Companies are forcing the new age of co-existence with Artificial Intelligence, and we no longer have necessary boundaries to promote work-life balance. Future research should address the growing desire for more technology in the workplace. Will this potentially harm companies in the future or build necessary connections between client and professional?

PSY 499, Senior Capstone

Erin Mueller


2 – 2:30 PM

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Taylor Morgan

The Relationship Between Psychological Disorders and the Criminal Justice System

In this evidence-based synthesis paper, I reviewed research on the complex relationship between crime and psychological disorders (PDs). Stigma, prejudice, and discrimination toward people with psychological disorders stem, in part, from the absence of a research-informed media and criminal justice system, which can result in limited awareness, advocacy, resources, and social acceptance. I examined 15 studies from 2019 to 2023 on the lack of resources for PDs in correctional facilities and the influence of the media in maintaining stereotypes. I also included case studies and additional supplementary sources in my review. Additionally, I highlighted the necessity for a comprehensive understanding of these disorders by giving a general review of the classification of PDs and their prevalence in correctional settings. The debate over appropriate punishment and the division between the criminal justice system and psychiatric hospitals are among the issues that emerged regarding the difficulties associated with managing PDs in the system. Research indicates that we need to change the criminal justice system to better serve people with PDs by providing more financing for mental health facilities and better treatment alternatives. Future research can further societal knowledge on this topic, create potential policy changes within the criminal justice system, and advocate for comprehensive mental health reform.

PSY 499, Senior Capstone

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Erin Mueller


2:30 – 3 PM

Adam Sabatino

Mental Health Challenges and Support Strategies Among College Athletes

For this evidence-based synthesis paper, I reviewed the research conducted from 15 empirical research articles dating from 2018 to 2023 covering a wide variety of information about mental health in college athletes. A common approach found in all of the evaluated articles was the use of surveys, which provided a foundation for comprehending the complex nature of mental health issues. This research of college athletes included a range of backgrounds, including differing racial, gender, and age demographics. Researchers were able to obtain complex insights into the unique perspectives and experiences of collegiate athletes by using this methodological technique. In addition, a number of the articles used a comparison approach, contrasting collegiate athletes’ experiences with their peers’ non-athletic or professional experiences in terms of mental health. These comparative studies provide insight into the particular pressures and weaknesses experienced by collegiate athletes in the larger framework of academic life and sports competitiveness. For example, some research found variances in the mental health outcomes of players and non-athletes, and these variations were linked to the unique demands and stresses of collegiate athletics.

PSY 499, Senior Capstone

Erin Mueller

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3 – 3:30 PM

Eryn Wilder

Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: A Comprehensive Review of Comorbidities and Diagnosis 

In this evidence-based synthesis paper, I reviewed findings from 15 empirical studies ranging from 2023 to 2010, as well as the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) and the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5 TR). Using these studies, I summarized the current knowledge surrounding complex post-traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD) and its high comorbidity rate with other psychological disorders. CPTSD has been conceptualized as a psychological disorder for many decades targeting individuals who have experienced prolonged and repeated​ trauma(s). There was much debate as to whether this was an evidence-based diagnosis until 2019 when the ICD-11 elected to​ include an adult version of​ CPTSD based on the validation of its ​research. Most researchers have found this a challenging disorder to both study and diagnose due to its symptom complexity, non-linearity origin, and extensive psychiatric​ comorbidity. Researchers have found that CPTSD is most common in clinical samples as it is a debilitating disorder going beyond the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It has been recognized that there is a crucial need to review the effects of CPTSD and comorbidity with other psychological disorders, improving clinical assessment methods for this newly recognized disorder. Furthermore, researchers in the mental health field recognize the importance of adopting trauma-informed approaches, highlighting the need for accurate assessment methods, and treatment, emphasizing the significance ​of not overlooking the potential impacts of traumatization​ beyond the symptoms of PTSD.

PSY 499, Senior Capstone

Erin Mueller


3:30 – 4 PM

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Taylor Copenhaver

The Association Between Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Cognitive Impairment in Adulthood

In this evidence-based synthesis paper, I reviewed 23 journal articles, both empirical studies and literature reviews, dating from 2013 to 2023 examining the association between post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and cognitive impairment in adulthood. Many researchers found significant results suggesting that the decline in the cognitive function of memory is associated with PTSD. Additionally, researchers concluded that neurocognitive disorder is strongly associated with PTSD, but the specific neurocognitive disorder of Alzheimer’s disease is not directly correlated with PTSD. Furthermore, it has been discovered that the comorbid relationship of PTSD and depressive symptoms is the strongest correlation with cognitive impairment. When it is not comorbid, PTSD is more closely associated with cognitive impairment than other mental disorders. A few limitations within the research are that many of the studies included symptoms of mental disorders and not clinical diagnoses, the sample sizes of some studies were not large enough to make a generalization of the researched population, and there is not enough evidence to suggest a causal relationship between PTSD and cognitive impairment.

PSY 499, Senior Capstone

Erin Mueller

Womack 100

10 – 10:30 AM

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Ethan Ferry

The Therapeutic Benefits of Well-Integrated Religion and Spirituality

In this evidence-based synthesis paper, I reviewed the findings of 18 peer-reviewed, empirical studies dating from 2001 to 2022. The goal of this review was to determine effective methods of integrating religion and spirituality into counseling. In addition, I focused on some of the mental and physical benefits of religion and spirituality in the face of struggles, such as trauma, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and anxiety, and chronic illness. In the last 20 years, the constructs of religion and spirituality and their relation to mental health have increasingly become the subject of research. Most studies have shown that including religion and spirituality in counseling is helpful for patients who value religion and spirituality. There are various assessments that counselors can include during intake and treatment which help gauge the client’s religion and spirituality as well as help the counselor to protect against bias. There is evidence suggesting that the integration of these into counseling increases positive affect, strengthens the client-counselor relationship, and increases positive treatment outcomes. Religion and spirituality as coping strategies lose effectiveness in adolescents as they age. Additionally, religion and spirituality have also been found to be detrimental to clients who do not have strong theodicies and clients with low levels of engagement in faith. Negative religious coping strategies were also found to be associated with more negative outcomes in comparison to individuals who use positive or other non-religious coping strategies.

PSY 499, Senior Capstone

Erin Mueller

Womack 100

10:30 – 11 AM

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Daniel Furman

Effects of Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy and Head Injuries on Athletes

In this synthesis-based evidence paper, I reviewed findings from 17 different empirical articles from 2015 to 2023 to provide an overview of findings on the lasting effects of head injuries and Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) on athletes. The term CTE was derived in 1940 from Bowman and Blau. They define CTE as a neurodegenerative condition that is thought to be partially brought on by repeated head trauma. The results from the peer-reviewed articles revealed the severity and far-reaching effects frequent head traumas can have. These traumatic brain injuries (TBI) affect the patient’s psychological and physiological states of mind. Findings between the articles showed similar lasting consequences of CTE across different athletes. Results revealed that high-contact sports, and in rare cases, low-contact sports, can result in lasting head trauma and potential neurocognitive impairments. Most researchers agreed that playing in a high-contact sport like football for long enough will eventually cause some sort of traumatic brain injury, or potentially CTE. Some limitations to the research on CTE and head injuries were that the results could not be generalized around the globe, studies on CTE are done postmortem, and there are no findings on the immediate effects of CTE. The development of techniques for diagnosing CTE during life, as well as additional research into the validity, precision, and practicality of the recently released diagnostic criteria for CTE, are imperative to address these, and other significant concerns for head trauma.

PSY 499, Senior Capstone

Erin Mueller

Womack 100

11 – 11:30 AM

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Cole Vamos

Social Anxiety, Depression, and Peer Pressure Amongst College Life

In this evidence-based synthesis paper, I reviewed findings and discoveries across 15 empirical studies ranging from 2001 to 2023 to summarize current knowledge and new information about social anxiety, peer pressure, and depressive disorders within college students. I included different demographics and geographics, ethnicity, age, and gender. The main methods of research conducted through these studies were questionnaires to access and categorize the different levels of anxiety or depression, depending on the study. These methods allowed discoveries with emerging adults entering college life, and those who already attend college, therefore showing where these symptoms form or have originally formed prior to college life. Overall, there was an increase in prevalence of cases of college students dealing with different forms of social anxiety, as well as depressive symptoms. Symptoms varied depending on cases, the majority related to negative habits like drinking or drug addiction which led to negative self-esteem, even deliberate self-harm. Furthermore, future studies will only extend further knowledge or develop more evidence based facts about depressive symptoms and social anxiety amongst college life.

PSY 499, Senior Capstone

Erin Mueller

Womack 100

11:30 AM – Noon

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