Maddie Peterson, Keri Schwarz


Incentives have become a valuable tool in the classroom. Incentives are also something that vary by grade level and the students age based on interests. When succeeding in the classroom, students will receive rewards of many kinds. Incentives are designed to manage classrooms and keep students on task.

EDUC 330, Child Development

Brian Kaelin

Banquet Room, Poster #9

10 AM – Noon

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Gianna Rains

The Mamertine Prison

The Mamertine Prison is located in Rome, Italy at the bottom of Capitoline Hill that looks over the Roman forum. This place held prisoners in a dungeon-like setting where it was small, wet, and cold (Hill 2017). This is supposedly the place where Paul spent his time while imprisoned. 2 Timothy 4:12 gives potential facts to back up this information (Jackson 2017) for it says, “Make every effort to come to me before winter.” Paul was writing to Timothy while in prison. Paul was known to continue rejoicing and praising God for all his blessings in life while suffering in prison. This really had me thinking about the attitude I should have while living a blessed, comfortable life under the love of Jesus Christ. We can compare and contrast Christians nowadays to the life Paul lived back then. Paul was very mistreated for his beliefs but maintained a strong, faithful relationship with God. Nowadays, some Christians do undergo persecution and trials because they are Christians. Some Christians do not, but regardless, we should be striving for the joy and trust that Paul had in the Mamertine prison.

GLST 295: Study Abroad

Lauren Riley

Banquet Room, Poster #7

1 – 3 PM

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Courtney Robertson, Monique Thompson

Positive Reinforcement & the Positive Effect it has on Students in Different Grade Levels

Positive Reinforcement is widely used throughout child development to encourage the continuation or the start of good behavior, especially among students. However, the use of different forms of positive reinforcement for different grade levels is essential, because individuals tend to respond more positively when given the form of positive reinforcement that best fits their classroom culture or grade level. In this study, we explored affective forms of positive reinforcement for elementary, middle, and high school levels. Included are examples of ways to use positive reinforcement in the classroom without it being mistaken for an incentive. The difference between the two will also be discussed

EDUC 330, Child Development

Brian Kaelin

Banquet Room, Poster #10

10 AM – Noon

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Emily Shinkle, Sami Wilson

Token Economy In the Classroom

During our ACE Day Presentation we will be going over what a Token Economy is and what that looks like in the classroom. We will get into more detail about the different age groups, and if the token economy works for that specific age. During the time we will look over what a token economy looks like in an elementary school classroom and what are the different incentives that the students have at that age. Then we will discuss what this looks like in a classroom for middle school and high school aged students.

EDUC 330, Child Development

Brian Kaelin

Banquet Room, Poster #11

10 AM – Noon

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Emma Trusty

Behavior Charts in Elementary Schools

Behavior Charts in elementary schools are a common occurrence for many schools. Are they beneficial to the students that use them or are they more harmful? Students can see them as beneficial if they the students that behave and can reap the benefits they are used for. The students on the other end, the ones always in trouble due to different learning styles or with short attention spans, will never see the benefits and see it more as a punishment in front of the entire class. Many teachers have pulled their charts because they have seen how it can negatively affect the students that tend to be on the lower end of the charts. While different teaching styles create different types of charts, they tend to hurt the students more if they are not used to the best of the teacher’s ability. When used with meticulous planning and practice with small groups of students, or even at home with family, they can be very beneficial and help the students have a better sense of who they are and how they are growing as people. While there are many downfalls to having behavior charts, having some sort of tracker to check in with the students occasionally can be helpful for the students and teachers alike. Checking in can allow teachers a glimpse into how a student is doing and whether or not they need to adapt their teaching style to better teach their students. While behavior charts are not always an answer to tackling a classroom management problem, they can be beneficial to help teachers connect with their students, allow a better relationship form, and create a better environment for everyone to learn in.

EDUC 330, Child Development

Brian Kaelin

Banquet Room, Poster #12

10 AM – Noon

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Colin Watters

Pets in the Classroom

Pets are beneficial to a child’s learning. Pets increase literacy in young learners. Pets build self efficacy. Pets reduce school bullying. This is a pro pets study on the positive and negative effects of pets in the classroom.

EDUC 360, Adolescent Literacy

Brian Kaelin

Banquet Room, Poster #13

10 AM – Noon

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Michael Buss

Effective Forgiveness

Given the inevitability of conflict and relational transgressions in interpersonal relationships, forgiveness plays an essential role in the maintenance of relationships. Factors, such as offense severity and blameworthiness effect the type of forgiveness, either direct, indirect, or conditional, and even if someone will choose to forgive at all. If the act of forgiveness is not sincere, the forgiving party’s negative affect will not be reduced. Sincere forgiveness is strongly correlated with a sincere apology.

COMM 413, Advanced Interpersonal Communication

Doyle Srader

Banquet Room, poster #1

10 AM – Noon

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David Carrasco

Christ’s Ascension

My capstone project will inspire individuals to reflection based on the understanding of the relevance of Christ’s ascension to today’s world. I will focus on three main events that make up the ascension as a whole: The Word blesses us, we, as disciples, worship Him, we recognize the great joy in Christ and praise Him. Knowledge of these events, while the event itself remains a mystery because of its indescribable characteristics, will be expounded upon by the study of biblical, historical and theological references. Special attention will be paid to the actions of the disciples directly after Christ’s ascension into heaven.

MUS 499, Capstone

Karen De Young

Banquet Room, poster #2

10 AM – Noon

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Austin Dame

DameGood Innovation

This presentation will address the following: innovation, creation, evolution, and future direction of a student-created product. The opening priority is to address what innovation is, and how this concept was applied towards discovering a solution to a problem within the outdoors industry. The next approach in this presentation is to expand on the benefits the product offers and the variety of ways it can be utilized. In this segment, the product will be examined and compared. The following section is to explain the evolution of the product and break down the research and development process. In this stage, the variety of materials, suppliers worked with, and environmental necessities that have been applied to the product will be addressed. The final step is to break down the personal learning process, while expressing the personal future objectives with this product. Essentially, this presentation will take an in-depth look at what happens when a student is developing a product.

MKTG 434, Consumer Behavior

Pete Diffenderfer

Banquet Room, poster #3

10 AM – Noon

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Lesly Eran

Exploring: The Positive Outcomes After Breaking Up

The affirmation of romantic relationships is very important for individuals because this can reinforce the sense of identity and self-esteem in people. Researchers have found that positive emotions can occur following a breakup, particularly when different personal growths happen after the dissolution. Moreover, researchers also advise various methods to overcome the ending of a romantic relationship.

COMM 413, Advanced Interpersonal Communication

Doyle Srader

Banquet Room, poster #4

10 AM – Noon

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Colby Hanson

The Complexity of Being a Good Comforter

Knowing how to comfort effectively can make a significant difference in how people close to you are able to deal with difficult situations. There are many different suggested approaches to comforting, but few are backed by research. Results from studies have demonstrated that effective comforting doesn’t come from an effective trait or technique, but rather a “person- centered” approach that takes into account the distressed person and elements of the situation.

COMM 413, Advanced Interpersonal Communication

Doyle Srader

Banquet Room, poster #5

10 AM – Noon

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McKenzie Hinson

Talk Clean to Me: Removing the Taboo Surrounding Sex-Communication with Children

One particularly tricky communication situation occurs when people communicate with their children about the concept of sex. In communicating, parents have the opportunity to convey ideas, attitudes, beliefs, knowledge, and expectations to their children, and consequently, parents play an important role in the formation of their children as they move into adolescence and adulthood. Despite an understanding of this, parents often feel uncomfortable when discussing sexual matters with their children, and research suggests that there are unique challenges and concerns in discussing things of a sexual nature with young children and with adolescents. In light of the research presently discussed, parents should strive to have open sex-communication with their children. While there are legitimate concerns and anxiety regarding sex-communication with children, general parent-child communication was found to be a significant predictor of adolescent sexual behavior. Though these conversations are not necessarily easy to have, it’s arguable that parent-child sex-communication is important at any age, and thus, should not be avoided.

COMM 413, Advanced Interpersonal Communication

Doyle Srader

Banquet Room, poster #6

10 AM – Noon

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Allison Keeney

Maundy Thursday: A New Commandment of Love

The season of Lent ends with the Triduum, a period of three days that represent the journey Jesus took into his crucifixion and resurrection.  These three days include Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday.  Most church populations know what Good Friday and Easter Sunday are, but in today’s churches most of the population does not know what Maundy Thursday is.  Maundy Thursday is a day for us to remember the new commandment of love that Jesus gave to his disciples as he washed their feet in John 13, and therefore a new commandment of love that he gives to each of us.  How can we take this new commandment of love and represent it in our daily walk with God?

MUS 375, History of Worship in the Church

Karen De Young

Banquet Room, poster #7

10 AM – Noon

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Madi Novelli

Attraction & Lasting Relationships

Attraction plays a big role in relationships and can determine just how long some relationships last. People get into relationships to better enhance their self. Research shows that similarities play a big part when someone is attracted to someone. However, not having much in common is great as well because different personalities and interests can make someone else experience new things and make their self even greater. Bad attraction also happens a lot within the process of getting into relationships. Bad attraction is often found with online dating or relationships that are pretty much all on a screen. Those relationships lack face to face conversations and human touch that can really affect relationships in the long run.

COMM 413, Advanced Interpersonal Communication

Doyle Srader

Banquet Room, poster #8

10 AM – Noon

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Alegra Aviña

A Day at The Blenheim Palace

I am presenting about the historical significance of The Blenheim Palace located in Woodstock, England. The presentation will be a discussion of the historic figures that lived within the palace walls and the famous portraits among them.

GLST 295 Study Abroad

Lauren Riley

Banquet Room, Poster #7

10:00 AM – Noon

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Maci Beierle & Joseph Miller

America’s Shift to a Contact Culture

The purpose of this presentation is to show how America has shifted from a non-contact culture to a contact culture. Our hypothesis states that America has transitioned to a more contact culture over the past 50 years. This research is analyzed with the help of two popular sitcoms in their respective times; I love Lucy (1950’s) and Modern Family (2010’s). After watching the “”Pilot”” episodes in each sitcom, we recorded all physical contact between couples, male and females, and those of the same sex. Both sitcoms displayed all three-gender aspects within physical contact, whether it was a tap on the shoulder or a kiss on the cheek. With the information we gathered from these episodes, we were able to conclude that our hypothesis was correct.

COMM 430 Nonverbal Communication

Doyle Srader

Banquet Room, Poster #2

10:00 AM – Noon

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Janieve Boyles

Perceptions of Homeless Youth

Social psychology has shown that people are often quick to judge others simply on prejudices based on group membership. Appearance affects people’s first impressions of and attitudes towards others. The goal of present study was to investigate how people’s perception of a homeless youth varied based on information provided about the individual. Perceptions based on snap judgments to a photograph of a homeless teenager were compared with impressions of the homeless teenager when the photograph was accompanied with her background story. Participants were randomly assigned to an experimental group or control group. The experimental group read an autobiographical story about a homeless youth and were shown a photograph. The control group was only shown the photograph. Both groups answered questions about attitudes towards and willingness to help the homeless youth. It is expected that those who read her story will feel more empathy and be more willing to help her than those who only see a photograph. It is important to determine whether knowing the background story of someone affects impressions.

PSY 350 Research Methods

Nani Skaggs

Banquet Room, Poster #1

1:00 – 3:00 PM

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Michael Buss

Nonverbal Communication in Worship Band Settings

When worship bands play live, they need to communicate in order to make the music as fluent and flawless as possible. Verbal communication is limited if not absent during a live set, therefore band members must communicate non-verbally. Rehearsal times are essential to achieving a fluent live set. It is beneficial to have more than one rehearsal before playing live. Rehearsals are the place to coordinate song road map and dynamics which are managed through corrective and expressive behaviors primarily displayed by the band leader. The first rehearsal is the coordination stage, the second rehearsal is the dress rehearsal and finally, the culmination of events, the live performance.

COMM 430 Nonverbal Communication

Doyle Srader

Banquet Room, Poster #3

10:00 AM – Noon

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Ruben Carmona

Winston Churchill War Rooms

The Churchill War Rooms in London, England, had been a beneficial learning experience to my study abroad trip. The Churchill War Room Museum was the original location where the British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, and his cabinet had met during World War II (WWII) to discuss their plan of action to defeat Germany and its allies. During WWII, Winston Churchill had been advised to leave London and be kept somewhere safe from war but Winston Churchill had insisted that he’d stay and have the same war experiences as his fellow Londoners. The War Rooms were used for a variety of functions: to keep track of the enemy by map, to telephone others for help, to house the Prime Minister, and to serve as a bunker. Having been able to personally experience the war rooms had a valuable impact on my education because I was able recognize the importance and positive impact Winston Churchill had on the British community as well as the rest of Britain’s allies.

GLST 295 Study Abroad

Lauren Riley

Banquet Room, Poster #10

10:00 AM – Noon

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Ruben Carmona & Emily Sutherland

The Affects of Gender on Following Directions

An individual’s ability to keep on task when doing a task is important for performance and learning. Many times  minds wander to something else while completing  a task.  In the present study  it was hypothesized that female participants would follow the instructions  as compared to male participants.. Each participant was given a worksheet with 10 questions.  They were instructed to read all of the questions before completing the worksheet. The last item on the worksheet instructed the students to complete questions number one, three, and seven. The number of questions each person answered was counted. The results indicated that there were no significant differences in males and females and the number of questions that were answered.

PSY 350 Research Methods

Nani Skaggs

Banquet Room, Poster #11

10:00 AM – Noon

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Diego Delaplane, Colby Hanson, Brianna Wood

Influence of WW1 on British Society

The poster presentation will focus on the influence that WW1 had on British society. A traumatizing event that forever changed the world’s landscape, this poster will specifically look at how WW1 impacted the government of Britain, the men who fought in the war, and the women who stayed at home.

GLST 295 Study Abroad

Lauren Riley

Banquet Room, Poster #6

10:00 AM – Noon

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Niki Duncan & Lesly Eran

Gender and Power Roles Displayed Nonverbally in Advertising

In this study we will be looking at the difference between nonverbal gender and power role cues in advertising magazine pictures from 1995 and 2016. Our purpose is to find out how gender roles have altered throughout the years.  We estimate that Women will have more encouraged independence, and power in women’s magazines today than they did in 1995. We also hypothesize that there will be less of a difference between men’s gender roles within magazines in 1995 and magazines today in 2016.

COMM 430 Nonverbal Communication

Doyle Srader

Banquet Room, Poster #4

10:00 AM – Noon

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Colby Hanson & McKenzie Hinson

Nonverbals and Finding Success on The Voice

For the purpose of this study, we examined performers’ gestures, primarily illustrators and affect displays, in order to determine if there is a correlation between these nonverbal displays and the likelihood of winning the singing competition The Voice. We hypothesized that if a performer is able to use illustrators and affect displays more frequently and efficiently, then he or she will have a greater likelihood of wining the competition, because in so doing, he or she will elicit powerful, satisfying emotions in audience members. Thus, audience members will feel a greater connection to the performer, causing them to vote in favor of the performer.

COMM 430 Nonverbal Communication

Doyle Srader

Banquet Room, Poster #5

10:00 AM – Noon

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Joshua Higashi

Language of Leaders

I will be presenting a poster comparing two speeches I wrote. I wrote a speech for current NCU President Joseph Womack and for former President of New Hope Christian College Guy Higashi. I will be comparing the differences in speeches based on the speaker’s cultural and ethnic background as well as the audience’s demographic.

COMM 311 Speechwriting

Doyle Srader

Banquet Room, Poster #2

1:00 – 3:00 PM

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Sarah Hooker, Geoffrey Sloan, Chelsea Stone

Prune Juice or Plum Juice? A Study on the Effects of Word Framing

Researchers suggest that people, when faced with varying choices, are more likely to select more appealing choices over those that seem less desirable. The way in which a selection is presented, or framed, has an influence on the decision maker. The purpose of the present study was to explore the impact of word framing on decision making when choosing between identical juices labeled either “prune” or “plum.” It was hypothesized that the majority of participants would favor the juice labeled “plum” as the word “prune” may seem less appealing. Traditional undergraduate students at Northwest Christian University were asked to taste both juices and select the juice that they preferred. The results of this study allow for a greater understanding of the impact that framing has on the decision making process.

PSY 350 Research Methods

Nani Skaggs

Banquet Room, Poster #12

10:00 AM – Noon

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Britnee Joaquin

Discovering Dover

Dover, England, was one of the places we visited during the three weeks of studying abroad in England last summer. Dover is a port town located in southeastern England and faces France on the English Channel. Dover Castle has served as a fortress for over nine centuries. Most recently, the castle played an important role during the evacuation of Dunkirk in World War Two to rescue thousands of Allied troops. Our group had the opportunity to experience a visual reenactment of the events that took place during the War in one of three underground tunnel levels of the castle. One of the most famous parts of Dover, which we were also able to see, are the White Cliffs located along the beach. The white color is a result of its chalky composition and can be seen across the Strait of Dover from the beaches of France on a clear day.

GLST 295 Study Abroad

Lauren Riley

Banquet Room, Poster #9

10:00 AM – Noon

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Megan O’Neil

Encouraging Self-Efficacy

I used research from multiple resources to provide information about promoting self-efficacy (confidence in one’s abilities) in the classroom and found that it can be encouraged through verbal persuasion, mastery experiences, vicarious experiences and emotional arousal.

EDUC 330 Child Development

Brian Kaelin

Banquet Room, Poster #1

10:00 AM – Noon

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