Encountering Wonder, Informing Creation
This presentation is about the biblical theme of “wonder” as it relates to the created world. This brief capstone will research both primary and secondary sources and will explore the concept of wonder as has been defined continuously as the act of “marvel” or “amaze” in the Greek and Hebrew translations found in Strong’s concordance. The following work will explore in particular the complexities pertaining to the experience of encountering wonder in creation. These complexities are more often than not measured by the qualitative and intimate experiences of modern authors and those who partook in the establishment of Holy Scripture. Moreover, this exploration of wonder will seek to beg the question—how does wonder impact us? To that end, I will utilize and describe the concept of “informing creation” as a way of speaking to our responsibility to care for God’s creation which includes all God has created, his all-encompassing workmanship, the animal kingdom, humanity, and Earth.
Keywords: Scripture, Wonder, Creation, Experience, Decay
BTM 499, Senior Capstone
A. J. Swoboda
2 – 2:30 PM
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