Scholar Lunch

Come to L203 at noon. If you’re one of the first to arrive, you can have free pizza. The meal’s entertainment consists of five minute talks by representatives from majors and minors across campus. Speakers will take a single idea they learned from their major or minor coursework, explain it, explain why it’s useful or beautiful, and explain why they personally love it. Scheduled speakers:

  • Kaitlin Cook, Psychology
  • Gabriel Fatooh, Communication
  • Adrienne Mai, Exercise Science
  • Taylor Morgan, Spanish
  • Amanda Sisul, Marketing


Noon – 1 PM

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Gabriel Fatooh

Pentadic Criticism of Tim Tebow’s “Live a Life of Significance | Live for Jesus”

Tim Tebow uses the story of Kevin Carter’s Pulitzer award winning photo to highlight his point that being successful is not as fulfilling as living a life of significance. I analyze his speech using Kenneth Burke’s “Pentadic Criticism” method, which requires critics to first identify the act, agent, agency, purpose, and scene of a rhetoric and determine which of the five elements outweighs the others using a pentadic ratio. In my criticism, I argue that purpose outweighs all of the other pentadic elements on the basis that Kevin Carter blatantly ignored the cry of human suffering for the success of his career.

COMM 441, Rhetorical Criticism

Doyle Srader

Bucher Room

10 AM – Noon

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Gabriel Fatooh

Electronic Signage Project Analysis Using the “Functional Perspective of Group Decision Making”

My initial project plan was to compare two different advertising routes for Bushnell campus life events. The first route was through the campus bulletin, poster board, and chapel announcements. The second route was through three on campus flatscreen television screen acting as electronic signage. I was to then record the attendance of three categories of on campus events. I was to record attendance twice for each of the three categories for a total of six events. The first recording of each category was to be after the first route of advertising. The second recording of each category was to be after the second route of advertising. At each event students were to be asked to fill out a survey that recorded how they found out about the event.

My initial project broke down during its’ decision-making process. Therefore, my project will consist of an analysis of my initial project’s breakdown in alignment with Hirokawa and Gouran’s “Functional Perspective of Group Decision Making.” I will also consider research done on student affairs professionals and their workload.

COMM 499, Senior Capstone

Doyle Srader


2 – 2:30 PM

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Amanda Torres-Sanchez, Gabriel Fatooh, Melody Garcia, Jacob Lilley, and Kyle Aure

NEO Project

This team is creating an organization that investigates near earth objects (NEOs) and formulates an organizational plan to neutralize the threat that NEOs pose to earth. NEOs are comets and asteroids which have orbits that come in proximity to earth. Our five team members are developing separate departments within the organization. In our hierarchical organizational structure, Amanda serves as the Chief Executive Officer, Jacob as the Chief Technology Officer in charge of logistics and strategy, Kyle as the Chief Financial Officer in charge of finances and technology, Gabe as the Chief People Officer in charge of communications and ethics, and Melody as the Chief Sustainability Officer in charge of crisis management. Our research leads us to use the kinetic impactor technique to neutralize NEO threats. To determine this as the appropriate technique, we consider factors such as deflection effectiveness, probability of success, risk of failure, logistical factors, time to execute, and total strategy costs. This team not only formulates a strategy to combat NEO’s, but more importantly develops an organization that sustains the strategy.

BUS 415 – Group and Organizational Behavior

Pete Diffenderfer

11:00am – 12:00pm L203 (Poster Contest)