Kilano Loyd

Mental health struggles faced throughout childhood

Abstract In this evidence-based synthesis paper, I focus on the topics of depression and anxiety. By examining several stages of a person’s life beginning with prenatal development. I examine the many factors that a mother may endure while she is pregnant, and then I focus on childhood maltreatment. Childhood maltreatment includes abuse and neglect. I explain how childhood maltreatment may affect a child’s growth and contribute to developing depression and anxiety. Next, I examine individuals who have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and how they may deal with depression and anxiety. Finally, I investigate the effects of peer influence, including issues such as social norms, social status, cyber bullying, and social phobias. By reviewing 17 empirical articles, I offer a synthesis of the research in order to provide a better understanding of the complexities of depression and anxiety.

PSY499- Senior Capstone

Dr. Erin Mueller

3:30pm – P103