Aspen Slifka

How Can Teachers Reduce Hallway Distractions in Elementary School?

This project introduces the problem behavior that takes place in hallways in elementary schools. I will discuss possible solutions to reduce noise levels and unwanted behaviors while walking through hallways. My focus is in second grade while opening up solutions to elementary grades grades through a Timely Transition Game, guided practice, and reteaching methods.

EDUC 321, Classroom Relations and Management

Brian Kaelin


10 AM – Noon

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Taylor Matychuck & Aspen Slifka

The Benefits of Physical Education on Academic Performance

This research project studies the benefits of physical education on academic performance in elementary school students. Many schools have decreased physical education time or eliminated it altogether due to budget cuts and emphasis on common core state standard subjects. We used data from several sources, including the American Health Association, to determine the importance of physical education class in elementary schools. Studies show the slight positive benefit of physical education on academic performance in elementary age students in terms of memory and focus in the classroom. Although not every source can prove correlation equals causation, studies reveal the effects of physical activity during the school day is beneficial to overall academic achievement.

EDUC 330, Child Development

Brian Kaelin

Bucher Room

10 AM – Noon

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