Transforming FYS: an Analysis of Other Institutions FYS Courses
As institutions are becoming increasingly aware of the individual concerns of incoming students, higher education intends to find a way to make the transition smoother Danitz, Suvak, Orsillo (2016). Through this, First-Year Seminar courses have been implemented within different institutions in varying ways. Analyzing the research on three institutions’ First-Year Seminar courses, one might draw on the benefits of these programs for integration in such existing courses. For example, it has been suggested by Danitz, Suvak, Orsillo (2016), that in order to create the smoothest transition possible, one must first focus on how to interact with one another appropriately and in a helpful way. In response to the literature on First-Year success courses, recommendations for future First-Year Seminar courses at Northwest Christian University will be addressed.
FYS 101, First Year Seminar
Falyn Edwards & Nani Skaggs
L203, poster #1
10 AM – Noon