Jackson Findlay and Liam Kerr

The Collatz Conjecture Reformulated and Shown Through Python code

Explanation of what the collate conjecture is and its long history. We will then take a different angle towards looking for progress on this unsolved math problem, through identifying patterns and elements we noticed when looking at alternative versions of the conjecture.

MATH407- Python and Data Structures

Dr. MTip Phaovibul

2:30pm – L204

Elena Kazakevicius

Logic and Critical Thinking: Through the Lense of Forensics 

My presentation explores Logic and Critical Thinking, specifically the latter, in relation to Forensic Psychology. Critical Thinking can be defined by two separate types of reasoning, rational and rationalized reasoning. Forensic psychologists study the ways criminals use reasoning skills to rationalize their behavior to themselves and others.  Reasoning can also take the form of “rationality,” which involves following premises to a true conclusion. Forensic psychologists do this when they create profiles for criminals, attempting to rationally understand the rationalization processes of criminals in order to create patterns that assist in stopping them from committing more crimes in the future. Through my research into forensic psychology, I expose a tension in critical thinking: reasoning skills can be used both for truth-seeking and for justifying violent and immoral behavior. 

PHL 201, Logic and Critical Thinking 

Joshua Kerr 


1:30 – 2 PM

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