Kimberly Snyder

Women, Religiosity, and Intimate Partner Violence

Intimate partner violence has long been a pervasive issue for women, occurring across all ethnicities, socioeconomic status, religions, and races. A wide variety of survival skills are employed by these women to help cope with the abuse they are experiencing. Despite the breadth of personal differences, these victims commonly utilize religion. Personal religious devotion may strengthen their capacity to survive intimate partner violence and post relationship trauma. This presentation reviews four research trends in personal religious beliefs as a coping strategy. First, women may reach out to clergy members or religious leaders for support and counseling. Moreover, prayer may be a particularly common coping mechanism. In addition, religious coping may be particularly prevalent among African-American and other Black women. In contrast, some researchers argue that personal religious devotion may be an ineffective coping technique, causing barriers to healing. Researchers have found women who rely on their religious beliefs to survive the violence credit a myriad of ways religion helped them. The violence perpetrated by intimate partners leaves lasting psychological trauma for victims. Researchers report that the coping strategies used may help strengthen women’s resilience in these relationships, and help provide additional support in post-traumatic healing. Future directions for research will also be discussed in this presentation, including resources for these victims at religious communities.

PSY 499, Capstone

Mary Ann Winter-Messiers

SPS 100

1:30 – 2 PM

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Sonja Towner

Adverse Effects of Child Abuse in Adult Females

Childhood abuse creates a substantial and long-lasting impact that may follow women into adulthood. Abusive events of girlhood may traumatize young girls, leaving them vulnerable to myriad post-traumatic outcomes mentally, physically, and emotionally. Women abused prior to the age of 11 may be at greater risk for mental illness and substance abuse through self-medication in adulthood. This presentation will review four areas which researchers have identified as possible adverse effects of girlhood abuse. First, women use substances to self-medicate to avoid the negative affect associated with girlhood abuse and learned negative reinforcement. Second, substance abuse may intensify girlhood maltreatment-induced mental illness. Third, women who have been exposed to adverse girlhood experiences may be at greater risk for diverse negative outcomes in adulthood. Finally, exposure to multiple adverse experiences in girlhood may lead to comorbid disorders in adulthood, further exacerbating other negative symptoms. Researchers have found that the effects of abuse in girlhood may be clinically significant. Moreover, researchers found that women experienced outcomes including substance abuse, mental illness, and incarceration. Researchers have reported a potential link between girlhood maltreatment and the traumatic events that may follow girls into adulthood. Future directions will also be discussed in this presentation, including the need for a longitudinal study that explores the impact of each type of adverse event in mental illness and substance abuse. Furthermore, researchers should also study why some women demonstrate resilience to girlhood abuse while others remain deeply impacted over their lifetimes.

PSY 499, Capstone

Mary Ann Winter-Messiers

SPS 100

2 – 2:30 PM

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Janieve Boyles

Changing Attitudes Towards LGBTQ in Christianity

In recent history, acceptance of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer (LGBTQ) individuals has increased in some cultures. Furthermore, some states in the U.S. and countries recognize same-sex marriage. While times are changing, there has been an undeniable divide between Evangelical Christians and the LGBTQ community. This gap has been created due to the firm belief based on scripture that homosexuality is wrong and sinful. Many Evangelical Protestants hold traditional, conservative views and beliefs. These traditional, conservative attitudes towards LGBTQ are harmful and destructive, but are changing due to biological explanations of same sex attraction, personal experience with LGBTQ people, and alternative Biblical interpretations. Contributing factors to an opposition of same-sex rights and prejudice toward LGBTQ in Christianity are right wing authoritarianism, a strong belief that the nature of homosexuality is a choice, and friendships with like-minded thinkers in religious contexts. Traditional, conservative attitudes towards LGBTQ are often filled with disgust, judgement, and lack of acceptance that are hurtful and painful for the LGBTQ community. There are many negative consequences of prejudiced attitudes, discrimination, and victimization of LGBTQ people including increases in substance abuse, homelessness, and suicide. Many Evangelical Christian attitudes are changing due to biological explanations, exposure to LGBTQ people, and acceptance by younger generations. These changes are leading to positive outcomes for LGBTQ people. Christian spaces are becoming more welcoming and appealing to LGBTQ individuals as the environments become safer and accepting. Prejudice, discrimination, and victimization have negative impacts on LGBTQ people, so ways to support the LGBTQ community need to be implemented.

PSY 499, Capstone

Nani Skaggs


1:30 – 2 PM

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Olivia Cordes

Oppositional Defiant Disorder in Children

Parenting a child is one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences a person may encounter in his or her lifetime. Parents find themselves honing their parenting skills as their child grows, sometimes to the child’s detriment, because early childhood is a crucial period for mental, physical, and emotional development. Therefore, children who are substantially negatively impacted by their socio-familial environment may be at higher risk for developing Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) than children raised in a more nurturing environment. This presentation reviews research themes in parenting styles, emotion regulation, parent-child relationship quality, and gender differences. Specifically, one cause of ODD may be negative parenting styles that include inconsistent discipline and harsh punishment toward a child. In addition, children who are subjected to poor parenting styles may develop emotion regulation deficits. As a result, when a parent lacks communication skills and experience, it is common for their negative parent-child interactions to interfere with healthy development. This may then lead children to exhibit inappropriate behaviors, e.g., aggression or hostility. Gender differences may also be a factor in the development of ODD, with symptoms appearing more frequently in males than females. Future directions are addressed, including the need for further research on global child maltreatment measures and deeper examination of post-treatment levels of positive parent-child relationships.

PSY 499, Capstone

Mary Ann Winter-Messiers


2:30 – 3:00

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Alaina Thomson

Women in Academe

Females have long been undermined and abused throughout history when societal expectations surrounding the roles of women are challenged. In the academy, many women contest gender-based stereotypes as they strive to shatter the glass ceiling by pursuing education, careers, and advancement. Women in academia may experience substantial discrimination in comparison to their male peers. This presentation reviews four research trends in discrimination in higher education. First, prejudice against women academics is prominent in the oppressive gender inequality to which they are regularly subjected. Next, women experience bias in workplace sexism. Moreover, women of color in the academy may be additionally confronted with gender-based racial discrimination. Finally, women academics may also experience inequity based on their current or potential status as mothers, which intolerance may hinder their careers and futures. These elements of discrimination may be perpetuated largely by the dominant oft male-governed institutions of higher education. As women pursue academic careers they are stymied by the exclusive, abusive nature of predominantly male social networks, e.g., “good old boys” clubs, that ensure the success, notoriety, and advancement of men. Researchers have reported that higher education may perpetuate an environment that is hostile for women. This may be due to the attitudes and actions of administrators, fellow faculty, staff, and students toward women academics. Future directions for research are discussed, including the need to explore the gender-specific sacrifices that women academics must make to be successful in their careers and co-exist with males in mutually nurturing environment.

PSY 499, Capstone

Mary Ann Winter-Messiers


3 – 3:30 PM

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Canaan Threlfall

Parental Incarceration and its Effects on Children

Children whose parent is incarcerated struggle emotionally, behaviorally, and educationally.  Emotionally, children experience attachment issues, depression, and high levels of stress due to parental absence.  Behaviorally, children with incarcerated parents have a higher likelihood of being delinquents, and they struggle with behaviors such as aggression and conduct disorder.  Educationally, these children experience many difficulties in school. The difficulties include, trouble completing homework and the struggle to pay attention in class. These difficulties result in a lack of motivation that can lead to poor academic success and school dropout.  Research shows that providing emotional support can help children with incarcerated parents succeed emotionally, behaviorally, and educationally, thus leading to positive outcomes.

PSY 499, Capstone

Nani Skaggs


1 – 1:30 PM

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Chelsea Stone

Substance Abuse and Intimate Relationships

Substance abuse disorder is a mental health issue, which has a significant impact on an individual and their intimate partner. If one or both intimate partners abuse substances, relationship quality and functioning are negatively affected. Further, studies reveal that couples in which one or both intimate partners are abusing drugs or alcohol are at a higher risk for intimate partner violence than couples who do not abuse drugs or alcohol. Effective treatment options for the individual with a substance abuse disorder need to equip the individual with effective tools and resources to increase relationship quality and functioning with their intimate partner.

PSY 499, Capstone

Nani Skaggs


1 – 1:30 PM

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Emily Sutherland

The Benefits of Breastfeeding

In past years, breastfeeding was not seen as an important practice for new mothers, but researchers have found that it may have many positive effects on a child later in life. Wet nursing, feeding, and the use of formula were all feeding practices of the past some are still practiced today, but a mother’s breast milk may be ideal food for infants. This presentation addresses four researcher themes on the benefits of breastfeeding, including how it may positively affect a child’s cognitive and language development, prevent obesity, reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), and strengthen an infant’s immune system. Researchers have found that babies who were exclusively breastfed were more likely to achieve higher levels of language capacity as well as language fluency at a young age. Babies who were breastfed were also more likely to remain at a healthy weight as they grew, as opposed to babies who were not breastfed. SIDS is also a concern for parents, but researchers have found that if a baby is breastfed, a mother’s breast milk gives the baby nutrients that may prevent illnesses that can cause SIDS in infants. One important factor of breastfeeding is the duration of breastfeeding. Breastfeeding duration may positively affect the overall health of the infant. Future directions for research include investigating the psychological development of breastfed infants in comparison to infants who are not breastfed.

PSY 499, Capstone

Mary Ann Winter-Messiers


1:30 – 2 PM

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Chelsea Taylor

Recidivism of Sex Offenders

Many believe sex crimes to be one of the most despicable and brutal crimes an individual can both commit and experience. Sexual offenses violate the most intimate part of a person, violating physically, emotionally, mentally, and sexually. It is often falsely believed that the rate of recidivism for sex offenders is higher than the average crime, due to its oftentimes violent and invasive nature. Due to this belief, sex offenders are often stigmatized by the public, even upon releasement. In order to understand the recidivism of sex offenders, this presentation will gather information from researchers who explored elements which show promise in reducing their rate of recidivism. This will then prevent future sex crimes, thus reducing the number of victims and leading citizens to become more productive. Despite the stigma and other obstacles which increase the likelihood of recidivism, researchers pinpointed possible elements which indicated reduced recidivism rates. Those elements include purposeful sentencing, rehabilitation and therapy, and reintegration techniques. Understanding what perpetuates sex offender recidivism as well as developing tools in order to prevent recidivism, the anticipation is fewer sex crimes, thus, fewer brutal violations of innocent men, women, and children.  Future directions for research and victim impact will also be addressed.

PSY 499

Mary Ann Winter-Messiers


2 – 2:30 PM

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Haley Cochell

Compassion Fatigue in Counseling Professionals

“There is a cost to caring.” With these striking words, Figley (1995) exposed a darker side to the counseling profession in opening his chapter on compassion fatigue in counseling professionals. He assigned the term compassion fatigue to the counseling field to describe a set of adverse symptoms that professionals may experience in the course of their work. Researchers have demonstrated that some compassion fatigue symptoms are comparable to those of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (e.g., intrusive thoughts, hypervigilance, nightmares, migraines). Researchers have also identified the development of self-doubt as a recurrent symptom of compassion fatigue, e.g., over half the participants in one study reported signs of self-doubt. Conversely, many professional counselors report confidence-building personal outcomes derived from their professional engagement with clients, e.g., satisfaction, fulfillment, and other positive emotions or responses; these positive outcomes are known as compassion satisfaction. Researchers have recognized the positive role of compassion satisfaction in the lives of professional counselors; compassion satisfaction may buffer the adverse effects of compassion fatigue. Moreover, researchers have found evidence to support several protective factors that professionals may use to prevent or address compassion fatigue in a healthy manner. There is critical need for further study of compassion satisfaction, as well as exploration of the impact of gender and racial/ethnic differences and religious/spiritual commitment on the experience of compassion fatigue in counselors. Such studies may aid professionals in taking care of themselves so that they may continue to provide caring and effective services for their clients.

PSY 499

Mary Ann Winter-Messiers

PFB 103

1:30 – 2:00 PM

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Trevyn DuBois

The Effects of Dog Owner’s Personality on Dog Behavior

The bond between dogs and people is well documented. Many different factors can affect this important relationship, which could include a variety of different aspects of dog behavior as well as human behavior. In the current study, the link between owner personality traits, specifically extraversion and neuroticism, and dog behavior was measured. Twenty-three dog-owner dyads were recruited from a local area pet store. Participants completed a Big Five personality traits scale that measured extraversion, neuroticism, openness to experience, agreeableness, and conscientiousness. Participants were asked to get their dogs to sit using only commands (no food or physical manipulation were allowed). The number of commands given and the latency to sit were recorded. There was no relationship between owner’s extraversion and number of commands needed for the dog to sit, but there was a statistically significant negative correlation between dog’s latency to sit and owner’s neuroticism. Those dogs that took less time to sit had owners who scored higher on the neuroticism trait. Particular owner personality traits do appear to play a role in dog behavior.

PSY 499 Capstone

Nani Skaggs

PFB 103

1:00 – 1:30 PM

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Ana Ortiz

Obesity and Eating Disorders in Adulthood as Potential  Outcomes of  Trauma in Childhood

Childhood trauma is a continuous and prevalent problem in US society, creating a ripple effect in the physical and mental health of individuals later in adulthood. In 2012 alone, there were 3.4 million referrals made on behalf of children who were abused or neglected. Researchers have found that children who experience trauma, e.g., sexual, physical, or verbal abuse, and/or neglect, are more likely to become obese or develop eating disorders as adults. Sixty-one percent of American adults are considered obese, one in 200 American women suffer from anorexia, and two to three in 100 American women suffer from bulimia. Furthermore, researchers have found that the specific type of abuse experienced in childhood correlates with the level of severity in individuals’ eating disorders or obesity. Finally, the paper will present the findings of researchers exploring the role of Depressive Disorder in the lives of adults struggling with obesity and eating disorders.

PSY 499 Capstone

Mary Ann Winter-Messiers

PFB 103

2:00 – 2:30 PM

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