Bill Helmer, Tanner Nelson, Alexis Wilks

Team Baldwin Mission Statement

Premium products for the industry: our brands withstand the test of time. Our stakeholders are customers, stockholders, management, and employees. We are unique because we will not limit ourselves to one type of product. We will broaden our possibilities by offering products in both the high and low tech fields. Our goal is to maintain and grow our client base by offering quality products at a reasonable price to as many people as possible. Our Strategy is to be a Broad Differentiator.


Research & Development: We will keep our existing product line, and introduce at least one more line, maintaining a presence in both segments. Our goal is to offer customers products that match their ideal criteria for positioning, age, and reliability.

Marketing: Our company will spend aggressively in promotion and sales in both segments. We want every customer to know about our superb designs, and we want to make our products easy for customers to find. We will price at a premium.

Production: We will grow capacity to meet the demand that we generate. After our products are well positioned, we will investigate modest increases in automation levels to improve margins, but never at the expense of our ability to reposition products and keep up with segments as they move across the perceptual map.

Finance: We will finance our investments primarily through stock issues and cash from operations, supplementing with bond offerings on an as needed basis. When our cash position allows, we will establish a dividend policy and begin to retire stock. We are somewhat adverse to debt, and prefer to avoid interest payments. We expect to keep assets/equity (leverage) between 1.5 and 2.0.

BUS 499, Business Strategy and Policy

Dave Quirk


1 – 3 PM

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McKenzie Hinson

Talk Clean to Me: Removing the Taboo Surrounding Sex-Communication with Children

One particularly tricky communication situation occurs when people communicate with their children about the concept of sex. In communicating, parents have the opportunity to convey ideas, attitudes, beliefs, knowledge, and expectations to their children, and consequently, parents play an important role in the formation of their children as they move into adolescence and adulthood. Despite an understanding of this, parents often feel uncomfortable when discussing sexual matters with their children, and research suggests that there are unique challenges and concerns in discussing things of a sexual nature with young children and with adolescents. In light of the research presently discussed, parents should strive to have open sex-communication with their children. While there are legitimate concerns and anxiety regarding sex-communication with children, general parent-child communication was found to be a significant predictor of adolescent sexual behavior. Though these conversations are not necessarily easy to have, it’s arguable that parent-child sex-communication is important at any age, and thus, should not be avoided.

COMM 413, Advanced Interpersonal Communication

Doyle Srader

Banquet Room, poster #6

10 AM – Noon

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Allison Keeney

Maundy Thursday: A New Commandment of Love

The season of Lent ends with the Triduum, a period of three days that represent the journey Jesus took into his crucifixion and resurrection.  These three days include Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday.  Most church populations know what Good Friday and Easter Sunday are, but in today’s churches most of the population does not know what Maundy Thursday is.  Maundy Thursday is a day for us to remember the new commandment of love that Jesus gave to his disciples as he washed their feet in John 13, and therefore a new commandment of love that he gives to each of us.  How can we take this new commandment of love and represent it in our daily walk with God?

MUS 375, History of Worship in the Church

Karen De Young

Banquet Room, poster #7

10 AM – Noon

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Kenny Kessler

Beacon Bolt Highlights

A presentation of four different pieces I wrote for the Beacon Bolt during the 2015 school year. Brief summary of my major (English) and career goals. Account of time spent writing for the Beacon Bolt. Pieces bear significance not only as individual products but also as collective whole. Collectively, the body of work encompasses the topics which I have the most passion for writing on, namely current events, history, community, politics, sports, entertainment, and religion, all from an opinion position. As individual works, each piece embodies different specific parts from the aforementioned list. The UCC article is religious, community, and current events focused . The Cross Country article is centers on sports and entertainment. The article about historical figures and opinions is both historical and community oriented. The dialogue and taboo article is primarily political. Purpose and function of each article will be elaborated on individually. Any questions following the presentation will be answered.

ENG 499, Capstone

James Watson


10:30 – 11 AM

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Katarina Maciel

Societal Perceptions of Intimate Partner Rape

Within our society, rape has not been viewed as a prominent concern. Despite the statistics on the prevalence of rape, societal beliefs have until recent years allowed marital rape to persist legally across the United States. The rape culture that exists across the nation has influenced the treatment of both rape victims and offenders. Victims of intimate partner rape are unlikely to report an attempted or completed rape due to societal beliefs surrounding this topic. The post-traumatic experiences of victims and perpetrators of intimate partner rape are heavily influenced by the erroneous beliefs which society holds, known as rape myths. These include minimizing the severity of a rape and placing blame on rape victims. Rape myths distort legal and societal judgments regarding both victims and perpetrators of intimate partner rape. An individual’s endorsement of hostile and benevolent sexist beliefs influence the way in which he or she perceived instances of rape. Those who held sexist beliefs endorsed rape myths more than those who did not. In terms of the criminalization of perpetrators, intimate partner rape perpetrators were given less severe sentences than perpetrators of stranger rape. Conversely, victims of intimate partner rape experienced more shame and guilt than victims of stranger rape. Victims of intimate partner rape are negatively affected by societal perceptions of rape. Crimes labeled, “intimate partner rape,” were seen as less traumatic than experiences of stranger rape. The decision of a victim to disclose a rape event to a support provider is determined by the victim’s perception of how this individual may react to hearing about the rape. Researchers reported that societal beliefs must be changed by means of educating the public and increasing awareness of intimate partner rape. Future directions for research include investigating the viewpoint of perpetrators of intimate partner rape.

IDS 499, Capstone

Mary Ann Winter-Messiers


2:30 – 3 PM

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Madi Novelli

Attraction & Lasting Relationships

Attraction plays a big role in relationships and can determine just how long some relationships last. People get into relationships to better enhance their self. Research shows that similarities play a big part when someone is attracted to someone. However, not having much in common is great as well because different personalities and interests can make someone else experience new things and make their self even greater. Bad attraction also happens a lot within the process of getting into relationships. Bad attraction is often found with online dating or relationships that are pretty much all on a screen. Those relationships lack face to face conversations and human touch that can really affect relationships in the long run.

COMM 413, Advanced Interpersonal Communication

Doyle Srader

Banquet Room, poster #8

10 AM – Noon

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Emily Sanders

Engaging Students at the Junior High Level: How to Overcome Biological Hindrances to Learning and Foster a Prosperous Classroom Environment for a Student’s Ultimate Success

In the teenage years, as one undergoes puberty, many biological changes are occurring. In order, to understand how to teach students at this level, teachers should be aware of how their brain works and the ways in which they learn. Taking a look at the process of myelination and examining different hormones, grasping the effects of poverty on the brain, and seeing how those with disabilities differ in the learning process provides insight into the effects on learning. In schools today there are various types of learners. Some learn through visual means, some auditory, and some kinesthetic. Through understanding these types of learners, a teacher can construct a classroom that accommodates students and pushes them to their highest potential. With the background knowledge of brain structures and functions, it becomes easier to limit distractions in the classroom, build lesson plans which collaborate and invent, and enforce classroom structure and discipline. This also informs how technology is used in the classroom and what type of relationship a teacher should have with students. All of these components construct a complete view of how a classroom can cater towards students and assist them to reach success, no matter the biological hindrances.

BIOL 499, Capstone

Paul Allee


10:30 – 11 AM

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Chelsea Stone

Substance Abuse and Intimate Relationships

Substance abuse disorder is a mental health issue, which has a significant impact on an individual and their intimate partner. If one or both intimate partners abuse substances, relationship quality and functioning are negatively affected. Further, studies reveal that couples in which one or both intimate partners are abusing drugs or alcohol are at a higher risk for intimate partner violence than couples who do not abuse drugs or alcohol. Effective treatment options for the individual with a substance abuse disorder need to equip the individual with effective tools and resources to increase relationship quality and functioning with their intimate partner.

PSY 499, Capstone

Nani Skaggs


1 – 1:30 PM

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Emily Sutherland

The Benefits of Breastfeeding

In past years, breastfeeding was not seen as an important practice for new mothers, but researchers have found that it may have many positive effects on a child later in life. Wet nursing, feeding, and the use of formula were all feeding practices of the past some are still practiced today, but a mother’s breast milk may be ideal food for infants. This presentation addresses four researcher themes on the benefits of breastfeeding, including how it may positively affect a child’s cognitive and language development, prevent obesity, reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), and strengthen an infant’s immune system. Researchers have found that babies who were exclusively breastfed were more likely to achieve higher levels of language capacity as well as language fluency at a young age. Babies who were breastfed were also more likely to remain at a healthy weight as they grew, as opposed to babies who were not breastfed. SIDS is also a concern for parents, but researchers have found that if a baby is breastfed, a mother’s breast milk gives the baby nutrients that may prevent illnesses that can cause SIDS in infants. One important factor of breastfeeding is the duration of breastfeeding. Breastfeeding duration may positively affect the overall health of the infant. Future directions for research include investigating the psychological development of breastfed infants in comparison to infants who are not breastfed.

PSY 499, Capstone

Mary Ann Winter-Messiers


1:30 – 2 PM

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Nathan Sutherland

Todah as Communion

Communion is likely one of the most important things that many churches in the world today simply view as a quick practice that is more of an afterthought than something that is central to the life of the believer and the church. However, recapturing the authentic vision that Jesus had for the Eucharist is vital in understanding more fully the life that he wants us to participate in with him. In the church today, it is difficult to pin down exactly what communion is. While most people would agree that communion is the partaking of bread and the drinking of wine to remember what Jesus has done for us on the cross, the practical way that is played out in churches across the world looks drastically different everywhere.

How can we recapture the authentic vision for communion that Jesus undoubtedly had in mind when he instituted it as a practice in the upper room with the disciples in Matthew 26? In order to answer this question, we must look at three aspects of communion. First, we must look at the history of communion, not only in the church, but also in what Hebrew traditions Jesus implemented communion around. Secondly, we must look to the theology of what happened in the upper room when Jesus instituted communion to understand what Jesus intended for communion to look like in practice for his followers. Thirdly, we must take what we learned from the history and theology of communion to know how to successfully integrate it into the practice of church today.

BTM 499, Capstone

Dennis Lindsay

2:30 – 3 PM


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Chelsea Taylor

Recidivism of Sex Offenders

Many believe sex crimes to be one of the most despicable and brutal crimes an individual can both commit and experience. Sexual offenses violate the most intimate part of a person, violating physically, emotionally, mentally, and sexually. It is often falsely believed that the rate of recidivism for sex offenders is higher than the average crime, due to its oftentimes violent and invasive nature. Due to this belief, sex offenders are often stigmatized by the public, even upon releasement. In order to understand the recidivism of sex offenders, this presentation will gather information from researchers who explored elements which show promise in reducing their rate of recidivism. This will then prevent future sex crimes, thus reducing the number of victims and leading citizens to become more productive. Despite the stigma and other obstacles which increase the likelihood of recidivism, researchers pinpointed possible elements which indicated reduced recidivism rates. Those elements include purposeful sentencing, rehabilitation and therapy, and reintegration techniques. Understanding what perpetuates sex offender recidivism as well as developing tools in order to prevent recidivism, the anticipation is fewer sex crimes, thus, fewer brutal violations of innocent men, women, and children.  Future directions for research and victim impact will also be addressed.

PSY 499

Mary Ann Winter-Messiers


2 – 2:30 PM

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Cassidy Winters

Food and People: a Review of the Western Diet and Implications for Human Health

The need for food is something that all humans have in common and is something that has not changed since we have started walking the Earth. What has shifted, however, is the way that we obtain food. Immense change has occurred at various levels of the food chain, from the crops grown, to raising meat, all the way to how we eat. Known as the “western diet” our way of eating today looks far different from our hunter-gatherer days, with highly processed foods full of refined sugar, fat, and grains comprising over half of our energy intake. With the emergence of the western diet phenomenon, so have “western diseases”, which are understood to be noninfectious chronic diseases common to developed societies, including type II diabetes, cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, and various types of cancer, not to mention obesity.  Wherever people have shifted towards a westernized way of eating, western diseases have seemed to follow. As eating and food becomes more simplified, it seems that our health continues to get more complicated.

BIOL 499, Capstone

Paul Allee


11 – 11:30 AM

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Scholar Lunch

Come to L203 at noon. If you’re one of the first to arrive, you can have free pizza. The meal’s entertainment consists of five minute talks by representatives from majors and minors across campus. Speakers will take a single idea they learned from their major or minor coursework, explain it, explain why it’s useful or beautiful, and explain why they personally love it. Scheduled speakers:

  • Brady Box, Education
  • Haley Cochell, Psychology and Philosophy
  • Alleya Harris, Exercise Science
  • Josh Higashi, Communication
  • Zeph Hollins, Biology
  • Delia House-Lopez, Music
  • Marina Irish, Business
  • Gabrielle Morales, English
  • Rosa Schmidt, Math


Noon – 1 PM.

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Calvin Anderson

The Injustice of Youth Homelessness

Homeless youth are typically between the ages of 12-24. Youth are homeless for a number of reasons, including aging out of the foster care system, getting kicked out of their homes, running to the streets due to abusive home lives, addictions to drugs and alcohol, and growing up in homeless families. Youth must learn to survive on the street, leading many to engage in risky behaviors such as survival sex and crime. Local to Eugene, there are hundreds of homeless youth, and thousands of homeless individuals. Nationally, there are millions. Youth homelessness is one of the greatest injustices in the 21st century. Society, specifically Jesus followers, must come together to help get homeless youth off the streets permanently. Jesus was near to the poor, and we must also be near to the poor. Although there are many long term remedies to helping homeless youth discover life, one immediate remedy is to teach them social skills and give them joyful experiences in community outings. Community outings are about reconciling youth back to society in a fun way, while teaching them vital life skills that will aid their future.

CM 499 Capstone

Terry O’Casey

PFB 114

11:00 – 11:30 AM

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Alegra Aviña

A Day at The Blenheim Palace

I am presenting about the historical significance of The Blenheim Palace located in Woodstock, England. The presentation will be a discussion of the historic figures that lived within the palace walls and the famous portraits among them.

GLST 295 Study Abroad

Lauren Riley

Banquet Room, Poster #7

10:00 AM – Noon

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Maci Beierle & Joseph Miller

America’s Shift to a Contact Culture

The purpose of this presentation is to show how America has shifted from a non-contact culture to a contact culture. Our hypothesis states that America has transitioned to a more contact culture over the past 50 years. This research is analyzed with the help of two popular sitcoms in their respective times; I love Lucy (1950’s) and Modern Family (2010’s). After watching the “”Pilot”” episodes in each sitcom, we recorded all physical contact between couples, male and females, and those of the same sex. Both sitcoms displayed all three-gender aspects within physical contact, whether it was a tap on the shoulder or a kiss on the cheek. With the information we gathered from these episodes, we were able to conclude that our hypothesis was correct.

COMM 430 Nonverbal Communication

Doyle Srader

Banquet Room, Poster #2

10:00 AM – Noon

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Kendall Bergsten

Management and Successful Sports Programs

For this project, a study was conducted on how to run a successful college sports program. The Interdisciplinary Studies degree has three legs. The three legs focused on for this study were Business, Marketing, and Psychology. All three of these areas are essential in running a successful college sports program. It is essential for a coach to be able to run their team, schedule practice and practice plans, budget for the entire year, and hire the right coaching staff. From a marketing standpoint, it is important for coaches to be able to recruit the right players for their program as well as recruiting loyal fans to cheer the team on. Lastly, from a psychology standpoint, it is important to find the style of coaching that works best for players and learn the best way to motivate players by bringing out the best in them on and off the court. By studying current and past successful coaches, one can gain insight on the best methods that have worked for other coaches and personalize those methods. The coaches being studied included Russ Rose and John Dunning who are extremely successful coaches within the volleyball world. Pat Summit was extremely well known within basketball as well as John Wooden. Lastly, Nick Saban has a reputation for being one of the best college football coaches of all time. By studying these coaches, one has the necessary tools to run a successful college sports program regardless of the sport.

IDS 499 Capstone

Mick Bollenbaugh

PFB 114

10:00 – 10:30 AM

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Janieve Boyles

Perceptions of Homeless Youth

Social psychology has shown that people are often quick to judge others simply on prejudices based on group membership. Appearance affects people’s first impressions of and attitudes towards others. The goal of present study was to investigate how people’s perception of a homeless youth varied based on information provided about the individual. Perceptions based on snap judgments to a photograph of a homeless teenager were compared with impressions of the homeless teenager when the photograph was accompanied with her background story. Participants were randomly assigned to an experimental group or control group. The experimental group read an autobiographical story about a homeless youth and were shown a photograph. The control group was only shown the photograph. Both groups answered questions about attitudes towards and willingness to help the homeless youth. It is expected that those who read her story will feel more empathy and be more willing to help her than those who only see a photograph. It is important to determine whether knowing the background story of someone affects impressions.

PSY 350 Research Methods

Nani Skaggs

Banquet Room, Poster #1

1:00 – 3:00 PM

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Bryce Branagan-Franco

Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome

Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS), which is also known as Runner’s Knee or anterior knee pain, is one of the most common overuse injuries in the lower extremity. PFPS is commonly found in individuals who are involved in high impact athletic activities, and is especially common in female athletes.Though it is known for being one of the most common knee injuries, no one has been able to specify its main cause. PFPS is normally treated by rest, ice, medication, taping, physical therapy and in severe cases surgery. Though there are many different ways to treat PFPS, treatment is not always guaranteed to work and can potentially end an individuals career in their particular sport or activity. This presentation will examine multiple studies, in order to shine light on possible causes of PFPS and will briefly discuss treatment methods.

EXSC 425 Biomechanics of Musculoskeletal Injury

Heike McNeil

PFB 103

Noon – 12:30 PM

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Michael Buss

Nonverbal Communication in Worship Band Settings

When worship bands play live, they need to communicate in order to make the music as fluent and flawless as possible. Verbal communication is limited if not absent during a live set, therefore band members must communicate non-verbally. Rehearsal times are essential to achieving a fluent live set. It is beneficial to have more than one rehearsal before playing live. Rehearsals are the place to coordinate song road map and dynamics which are managed through corrective and expressive behaviors primarily displayed by the band leader. The first rehearsal is the coordination stage, the second rehearsal is the dress rehearsal and finally, the culmination of events, the live performance.

COMM 430 Nonverbal Communication

Doyle Srader

Banquet Room, Poster #3

10:00 AM – Noon

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Ruben Carmona

Winston Churchill War Rooms

The Churchill War Rooms in London, England, had been a beneficial learning experience to my study abroad trip. The Churchill War Room Museum was the original location where the British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, and his cabinet had met during World War II (WWII) to discuss their plan of action to defeat Germany and its allies. During WWII, Winston Churchill had been advised to leave London and be kept somewhere safe from war but Winston Churchill had insisted that he’d stay and have the same war experiences as his fellow Londoners. The War Rooms were used for a variety of functions: to keep track of the enemy by map, to telephone others for help, to house the Prime Minister, and to serve as a bunker. Having been able to personally experience the war rooms had a valuable impact on my education because I was able recognize the importance and positive impact Winston Churchill had on the British community as well as the rest of Britain’s allies.

GLST 295 Study Abroad

Lauren Riley

Banquet Room, Poster #10

10:00 AM – Noon

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Ruben Carmona & Emily Sutherland

The Affects of Gender on Following Directions

An individual’s ability to keep on task when doing a task is important for performance and learning. Many times  minds wander to something else while completing  a task.  In the present study  it was hypothesized that female participants would follow the instructions  as compared to male participants.. Each participant was given a worksheet with 10 questions.  They were instructed to read all of the questions before completing the worksheet. The last item on the worksheet instructed the students to complete questions number one, three, and seven. The number of questions each person answered was counted. The results indicated that there were no significant differences in males and females and the number of questions that were answered.

PSY 350 Research Methods

Nani Skaggs

Banquet Room, Poster #11

10:00 AM – Noon

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Tomás Carradero, Tyler Farmer, Adrian Palacios

Vaseline, Warmth Lotion

Many people like to apply lotion to their skin because they like to have smooth skin. In our group project, we came up with a Vaseline lotion that feels warm and more comfortable when applied. Regular lotion doesn’t do that. It is cold when you use it and sometimes doesn’t feel comfortable. The main idea for our product is to make people feel more comfortable with their skin while using the lotion. Since it keeps the skin warm, it may also be helpful to the homeless who are out in the cold. It will keep them warm and fresh. We will be setting up our booth with various poster boards to physically show and explain our product. Also we will be hooking up our computer with a large TV or monitor to show a short video on how we advertise the product.

MKTG 330 Marketing

Timothy Veach

SPS Conference Room

10:00 AM – Noon

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Chelsea Chittim

Restraints in Special Education

The use of restraints has been a controversial and impactful topic of discussion in our education system for decades. Progress has been made in the last fifty years to better protocol in regards to such restraints to increase the safety for our students and security of students, but there is still much work to be done. We must continually review our current standards, employee training methods and models, to ensure that students are given the best opportunity to succeed and get an equal opportunity education.

EDUC 380 School Law

Johnny Lake

PFB 003

10:00 – 10:30 AM

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Haley Cochell

Compassion Fatigue in Counseling Professionals

“There is a cost to caring.” With these striking words, Figley (1995) exposed a darker side to the counseling profession in opening his chapter on compassion fatigue in counseling professionals. He assigned the term compassion fatigue to the counseling field to describe a set of adverse symptoms that professionals may experience in the course of their work. Researchers have demonstrated that some compassion fatigue symptoms are comparable to those of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (e.g., intrusive thoughts, hypervigilance, nightmares, migraines). Researchers have also identified the development of self-doubt as a recurrent symptom of compassion fatigue, e.g., over half the participants in one study reported signs of self-doubt. Conversely, many professional counselors report confidence-building personal outcomes derived from their professional engagement with clients, e.g., satisfaction, fulfillment, and other positive emotions or responses; these positive outcomes are known as compassion satisfaction. Researchers have recognized the positive role of compassion satisfaction in the lives of professional counselors; compassion satisfaction may buffer the adverse effects of compassion fatigue. Moreover, researchers have found evidence to support several protective factors that professionals may use to prevent or address compassion fatigue in a healthy manner. There is critical need for further study of compassion satisfaction, as well as exploration of the impact of gender and racial/ethnic differences and religious/spiritual commitment on the experience of compassion fatigue in counselors. Such studies may aid professionals in taking care of themselves so that they may continue to provide caring and effective services for their clients.

PSY 499

Mary Ann Winter-Messiers

PFB 103

1:30 – 2:00 PM

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Diego Delaplane, Colby Hanson, Brianna Wood

Influence of WW1 on British Society

The poster presentation will focus on the influence that WW1 had on British society. A traumatizing event that forever changed the world’s landscape, this poster will specifically look at how WW1 impacted the government of Britain, the men who fought in the war, and the women who stayed at home.

GLST 295 Study Abroad

Lauren Riley

Banquet Room, Poster #6

10:00 AM – Noon

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Kristyn Dodge

Whoever Has the Gift

Ever since the earliest days of Christianity, the role for women in the Church has been a matter of hot debate that even today has yet to be resolved. However, there has been a shift in the way a woman’s role is defined with the help of laborers like Macrina, Hildegard von Bingen, Catherine Mumford Booth, Catherine Bramwell Booth and Aimee Semple McPherson in the white fields of ministry. We will be exploring each of these women and how they have contributed to a question we have been trying to answer for many years: should women be allowed to preach and lead in pastoral ministry?

HIST 490 Historical Methods and Research

Steven Goetz

PFB 103

2:30 – 3:00 PM

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Trevyn DuBois

The Effects of Dog Owner’s Personality on Dog Behavior

The bond between dogs and people is well documented. Many different factors can affect this important relationship, which could include a variety of different aspects of dog behavior as well as human behavior. In the current study, the link between owner personality traits, specifically extraversion and neuroticism, and dog behavior was measured. Twenty-three dog-owner dyads were recruited from a local area pet store. Participants completed a Big Five personality traits scale that measured extraversion, neuroticism, openness to experience, agreeableness, and conscientiousness. Participants were asked to get their dogs to sit using only commands (no food or physical manipulation were allowed). The number of commands given and the latency to sit were recorded. There was no relationship between owner’s extraversion and number of commands needed for the dog to sit, but there was a statistically significant negative correlation between dog’s latency to sit and owner’s neuroticism. Those dogs that took less time to sit had owners who scored higher on the neuroticism trait. Particular owner personality traits do appear to play a role in dog behavior.

PSY 499 Capstone

Nani Skaggs

PFB 103

1:00 – 1:30 PM

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Niki Duncan & Lesly Eran

Gender and Power Roles Displayed Nonverbally in Advertising

In this study we will be looking at the difference between nonverbal gender and power role cues in advertising magazine pictures from 1995 and 2016. Our purpose is to find out how gender roles have altered throughout the years.  We estimate that Women will have more encouraged independence, and power in women’s magazines today than they did in 1995. We also hypothesize that there will be less of a difference between men’s gender roles within magazines in 1995 and magazines today in 2016.

COMM 430 Nonverbal Communication

Doyle Srader

Banquet Room, Poster #4

10:00 AM – Noon

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Macie Gale

Biomechanics and Rehabilitation Methods of Concussed Football Players

Of all sports played in the US, American football is the sport associated with the greatest number of traumatic brain injuries, and also has the largest number of participants. However, due to players’ reluctance to admit concussion, these statistics may even be underestimated. In order to fully understand this epidemic one needs to consider the biomechanics involved in the injury. This presentation aims to explain the biomechanics of concussion, shine light on the incidences of reoccurring injuries, and will conclude with modern rehabilitation techniques.

EXSC 425 Biomechanics of Musculoskeletal Injury

Heike McNeil

PFB 103

11:30 AM – Noon

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Joey Garcia, Amanda Hadsell, Angel Sandoval

Hawk Eye Innovation, The Right Call

We are promoting “The Right Call”, which is a technological innovation that will increase the official decision accuracy for sports. “The Right Call” is a system that includes three products, which are (1) sensors that are located within a ball for the sport that it is being used in; (2) sensors that will be placed underneath the sidelines; and (3) wireless, Bluetooth enabled smart watches. Refs will be able to make the right call using the smart watches that notify the officials if the ball has completely crossed any lines. This can be used in most sports that use a ball. We are going to set up our booth with a table with three sections that are divided by sport. We are also going to be using a display board to show how the sensors will be used. A prototype of the special watch that the officials we will be using to help determine the call will be displayed. Sensors that are located within the balls based upon the sports requirements will be used, as well as a laptop to display some visuals.

MKTG 330 Marketing

Timothy Veach

SPS Conference Room

10:00 AM – Noon

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Molly Goossens

Study Aotearoa

This presentation explores the Study abroad semester of Molly Goossens. It discusses the differences of living away from home in a different country, describes attending Victoria Uni of Wellington, details the aspects discovering the world outside of Oregon, explores the adventures of a home-body forced outside of her comfort zone, and attempts to make sense of things that may have been learned during that aforementioned semester abroad. It contains anecdotes of fun times and places, photos of amazing places, and speaking in tongues.

GLST 295 Study Abroad

Lauren Riley

PFB 003

1:30 – 2:00 PM

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JaNae Haggard, Alleya Harris, Allison Keeney

Dankook International Summer School

Every summer NCU partners with Dankook University in Jukejon South Korea to offer students a two month long international study experience. Three NCU students participated this past summer and each will present one view of their own experience. Allison Keeney will describe the English teaching experience, Alleya Harris will present some of the paid cultural activities available through the program, and JaNae Haggard will enlighten us with the things she has learned through the experience. There will be at least 10 minutes at the end to ask the presenters questions.

GLST 295 Study Abroad

Lauren Riley

PFB 003

1:00 – 1:30 PM

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Colby Hanson & McKenzie Hinson

Nonverbals and Finding Success on The Voice

For the purpose of this study, we examined performers’ gestures, primarily illustrators and affect displays, in order to determine if there is a correlation between these nonverbal displays and the likelihood of winning the singing competition The Voice. We hypothesized that if a performer is able to use illustrators and affect displays more frequently and efficiently, then he or she will have a greater likelihood of wining the competition, because in so doing, he or she will elicit powerful, satisfying emotions in audience members. Thus, audience members will feel a greater connection to the performer, causing them to vote in favor of the performer.

COMM 430 Nonverbal Communication

Doyle Srader

Banquet Room, Poster #5

10:00 AM – Noon

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Bradley Harp, Nicholas Rubino, Alexis Wilks

Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream, Coffee, Caramel, Fudge Ice Cream with Coconut Milk

We are offering a non-dairy alternative to traditional ice cream. Ben & Jerry’s already offers a few non-dairy flavors using almond milk, however we believe through our observation and research that there was an opportunity to expand the non-dairy line by offering a coconut milk option.

MKTG 330 Marketing

Timothy Veach

SPS Conference Room

10:00 AM – Noon

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Alleya Harris

The Effect of Lower Limb Biomechanics on Lower Back Pain

Link theory states that structures further from the ground (such as the hips and back) are affected by the lower limb’s structure and ability to handle force efficiently. It is this theory that fuels the model for low back pain (LBP) which implicates the feet in causing biomechanical disruptions that lead the back to hurt. However, the research published about this theory is vastly divergent. For the sake of this discussion, three different views are singled out. The first is in support of the model that the feet cause LBP based on evidence from trials performed in practical treatment settings. The second also affirms the model although more cautiously. In this case the evidence comes from studies done in laboratory settings. The third negates the model based on studies performed in laboratory settings that provide evidence that clearly disproves any correlation. This presentation aims to give an encompassing view of the topic by including representative research supporting each of the different viewpoints and also to reveal that, in the end, each individual’s case is different and needs to be thoroughly evaluated.

EXC 425 Biomechanics of Musculoskeletal Injury

Heike McNeil

PFB 103

10:00 – 10:30 AM

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Bill Helmer & Bart Peterson

Safeway Bakery, the Snickerdoodle Danish

The Snickerdoodle Danish, is a pastry that combines the best of both worlds, for those who like Danish and snickerdoodles. We will be using an iPad to display photos and layout of the whole bakery department at Safeway and where our product would be offered in the department itself.

MKTG 330 Marketing

Timothy Veach

SPS Conference Room

10:00 AM – Noon

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Joshua Higashi

Language of Leaders

I will be presenting a poster comparing two speeches I wrote. I wrote a speech for current NCU President Joseph Womack and for former President of New Hope Christian College Guy Higashi. I will be comparing the differences in speeches based on the speaker’s cultural and ethnic background as well as the audience’s demographic.

COMM 311 Speechwriting

Doyle Srader

Banquet Room, Poster #2

1:00 – 3:00 PM

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Sarah Hooker, Geoffrey Sloan, Chelsea Stone

Prune Juice or Plum Juice? A Study on the Effects of Word Framing

Researchers suggest that people, when faced with varying choices, are more likely to select more appealing choices over those that seem less desirable. The way in which a selection is presented, or framed, has an influence on the decision maker. The purpose of the present study was to explore the impact of word framing on decision making when choosing between identical juices labeled either “prune” or “plum.” It was hypothesized that the majority of participants would favor the juice labeled “plum” as the word “prune” may seem less appealing. Traditional undergraduate students at Northwest Christian University were asked to taste both juices and select the juice that they preferred. The results of this study allow for a greater understanding of the impact that framing has on the decision making process.

PSY 350 Research Methods

Nani Skaggs

Banquet Room, Poster #12

10:00 AM – Noon

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Delia House-Lopez, Phil Sailler, Nathan Sutherland, Devin Weise

Islam vs the West: What History Teaches

Is conflict between Muslims, Jews and Christians inevitable? Is violence the norm? Are there lessons from history that might promote tolerance and coexistence? By focusing on interactions between the children of Abraham in historical epochs during the past 1500 years, examples and insights can help illuminate an understanding of contemporary issues and possibilities.

RELS 210 The Abrahamic Faiths of Judaism & Islam

Ron Palmer

PFB 114

2:00 – 2:30 PM

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