Myranda Johnson, Bri Wood

Metacognition in an Elementary Classroom

This presentation serves to answer the research question of, “What strategies can be used to teach metacognition in an elementary classroom?” and addresses the research behind why such strategies are important to student learning. The methods used for this study were examination of a study on Educational Research for school learning conducted Wang, Haertal, and Walberg (1993) and more recent studies from 2007 by Pianta, Belsky, Houts, & Morrison, examining “opportunities to learn” in America’s public schools. The findings of this project demonstrated that metacognition is one of the most common characteristics of high achievers and that teachers typically spend 1/10 of the time on explicitly teaching metacognition to upper elementary students than they do content-specific information. In this presentation, 3 strategies were provided to answer the research question of how to promote metacognitive learning in elementary classrooms: Checklists, Think-Alouds, and “Turn-in boxes”. Of these strategies, Checklists teach students goal-setting and expectations, Think Alouds allow students to monitor their own learning while doing activities, and separate “Turn-in boxes” allow students to evaluate their achievement in deciding how well they did in each assignment. Overall, the purpose of this presentation serves to provide practical strategies for elementary teachers to use to develop metacognitive skills early on in students’ educations. The limitations of this study were that the presenters did not have the opportunity to test each of these strategies in their own classrooms.

EDUC 330, Child Development

Brian Kaelin

Banquet Room, Poster #7

10 AM – Noon

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Sammy Johnson, Gunnar Lassen, Nicholas Rubino

Food/Dieting in Italy

As a group, we went through some challenges on this Italy trip, however, our experience provided us with a great lesson. We learned how (Italy diet is broken down in to groups), which would affect us mentally and physically, meanwhile, our body would emotionally feel the toll of because of the overall culture shock that took place the second we walked off the plane. With an entirely new diet into our lives, it created turmoil which made us irritable and homesick. At first we weren’t familiar with each other as individuals in this Italy group, however, we created friendships through this experience, which we will carry through our lives. The best part was that we all created those friendships and memories with each other through sharing meals and taking on this new diet together as a group.

GLST 295, Study Abroad

Lauren Riley

Banquet Room, Poster #4

1 – 3 PM

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Allison Keeney

Musical Influences in Middle Earth

When J.R.R. Tolkien created Middle Earth in his book The Hobbit, he was influenced by previous literary, musical works. Tolkien was a scholar of the epic Beowulf and used this tale to influence his famous story. He was also influenced by The Song of Nibelungs and other Norse and Germanic sagas. When Tolkien was a young man, before he started writing The Hobbit, Richard Wagner and his opera, The Ring of Nibelung, was very popular in Europe. There are many similarities between Wagner and Tolkien’s works, but Tolkien claims that “both rings were round, and there the resemblance ceases.” This presentation will be exploring the musical influences that Tolkien drew from to create his stories in Middle Earth, as well as look at the similarities between Wagner’s opera and Tolkien’s books.

MUS 321, Survey of Music History

Lynn Kane

Banquet Room, Poster #5

1 – 3 PM

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Savanna Lassen, Danielle Willyard


Metacognition is the process in which we plan, monitor, and assess one’s own understanding, it required critical awareness of one’s thinking and learning, as well as how we think and learn best. There are many ways to help improve metacognition in the classroom. You can use planning strategies that include K-W-L charts, Think-Pair-Shares, and Jumpstart Journals. To monitor the learning of students, have students actively engage with strategies like Re-teach It and Fish Bowl discussions. The key to metacognition is assessing your own learning, strategies to help improve this important skill include Letters to Future Students, Figurative Transformation, and Photo Captions.

EDUC 330, Child Development

Brian Kaelin

Banquet Room

10 AM – Noon

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Erin Caireen T. Lounsbury


Metacognition is the process in which we plan, monitor, and assess one’s own understanding, it required critical awareness of one’s thinking and learning, as well as how we think and learn best. There are many ways to help improve metacognition in the classroom. You can use planning strategies that include K-W-L charts, Think-Pair-Shares, and Jumpstart Journals. To monitor the learning of students, have students actively engage with strategies like Re-teach It and Fish Bowl discussions. The key to metacognition is assessing your own learning, strategies to help improve this important skill include Letters to Future Students, Figurative Transformation, and Photo Captions.

EDUC 330, Child Development

Brian Kaelin

Banquet Room, Poster #8

10 AM – Noon

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Maggie McCausland

Encountering the Global Church

Studying abroad provides the opportunity to learn and experience culture in a new way. On the Italy summer abroad trip, I encountered the significance of experiencing history in its context and interacting with it rather than simply learning it. In this new environment, I came face to face with the global nature of the Christian Church on both a current and historical scale. Furthermore, within the coursework pertaining to the Renaissance era that we covered throughout the trip, my mind was opened to the history of the church as we looked more in depth at the positive and negative realities of the church at this time. I was challenged to contemplate stereotypes and biases that I took in to the experience and allow the reality of what I encountered to alter my perspective.

GLST 295, Study Abroad

Lauren Riley

Banquet Room, Poster #6

1 – 3 PM

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Robbie McGowen

From Italy to France: The Story of a Wayward Son Turned Wayward Traveler  

Studying abroad can be the single greatest experience in one’s life. It presents many interesting and unique learning opportunities, growing opportunities and challenging yourself and your beliefs. Over the course of this presentation, I will explain and demonstrate what life was like for me during the three weeks I was abroad. I was challenged in many different ways, having Asperger’s and social anxiety issues certainly presented many extra challenges abroad that made for a fun, enriching and in some moments a more stressful experience.  I will give you some fundraising tips/strategies, pros/cons, things to avoid (i.e., tourist traps), fun facts and places you should visit while abroad. Lastly, the struggles one could have with reverse culture shock which affected me more than cultural shock.

GLST 295, Study Abroad

Lauren Riley


10 – 10:30 AM

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Makenzie McLaughlin

Same-sex Couples Adopting and Raising Children

In American society, many individuals perceive two heterosexual parents as the ideal family type. Same-sex couples may face more setbacks than heterosexual couples in attempting to adopt and raise children, since they may not be perceived as the ideal parents. Same-sex couples who want to adopt may need to provide evidence that they are as qualified to be good parents as are heterosexual couples. Researchers have found, however, that same-sex couples who adopt may actually have a positive impact on their children, themselves, and the community in which they reside. This presentation reviews four recurring research themes regarding same-sex couples who adopt children. First, same-sex couples experience similar stress to heterosexual couples during pre- and post-adoption. Second, the community in which the same-sex couples reside may perceive the couples positively, neutrally, or negatively. Third, males and females, in general, may perceive same-sex couples differently than heterosexual couples; males may more often perceive same-sex couple adoption in a negative light than do females. Fourth, some individuals may believe that children of same-sex parents will automatically grow up to become gay or lesbian, like their parents. Future directions are reviewed, including the need for longitudinal studies following children of same-sex parents in adulthood.

PSY 499, Capstone

Mary Ann Winter-Messiers


2 – 2:30 PM

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Lauren Oliver

Girl Scouts 990 Presentation

For ACE Day, I will presenting on the non-profit organization Girl Scouts for the Non-Profit Accounting 470 class. Throughout the presentation the audience will learn about who the Girl Scouts organization is, their history and their 990 Form. The 990 Form is important because it lets the public know their records and gives potential donors some insight before donating to them. It also informs the IRS the nonprofits financial status and see if they meet the qualifications for being tax exempted. Within the presentation there will be slides that cover the organizations service accomplishments, required schedules, IRS Filings, Management, Compensations, Statement of Revenue, Balance Sheet, Financial Statements, Contributions and many more. The purpose of this presentation is to inform audiences on whether or not from the research done, if the organization is a good place to donate to and whether or not their money is going to actually benefit what they are saying will.

ACTG 470, Accounting for Non-Profit Organizations

Stacey Lewis


10 AM – Noon

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Jessica O’Reilly

Holt International Form 990

Holt International is a non-profit organization that uses Christian principals to navigate them through their services of family strengthening, orphanage and vulnerable children care, and adoption services. The presentation will be breaking down their form 990 and presenting it to the audience in order gain insight of how and where their finances are being appropriated. The presentation is distributed as follows: Statements regarding other IRS filings and tax compliance, governance, management, and disclosure; compensation of officers, directors, trustees, key employees, highest compensated employees, and independent contractors; statement of revenue, statement of functional expends, balance sheet, financial statement and reporting; schedule A, Schedule B, schedule C, schedule J, schedule L, schedule O. The Form 990 is an informational tax form that most tax-exempt organizations must file annually. It gives the IRS an overview of the organizations activities. The organizations give an outline of the accomplishments for the previous year to justify the tax-exempt status. The IRS wants to be secure that the organization in question will continue to qualify for their tax-exempt status. Holt International must fill out the Form 990 because their gross receipts and assets are more than $200,000 for receipts and/or $500,000 worth of assets.  The Form 990 requires organizations to describe its mission or any other significant activates, as well as financial details on its revenues, expenses, assets and liabilities.

ACTG 470, Accounting for Non-Profit Organizations

Stacey Lewis


10 AM – Noon

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Maddie Peterson, Keri Schwarz


Incentives have become a valuable tool in the classroom. Incentives are also something that vary by grade level and the students age based on interests. When succeeding in the classroom, students will receive rewards of many kinds. Incentives are designed to manage classrooms and keep students on task.

EDUC 330, Child Development

Brian Kaelin

Banquet Room, Poster #9

10 AM – Noon

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Gianna Rains

The Mamertine Prison

The Mamertine Prison is located in Rome, Italy at the bottom of Capitoline Hill that looks over the Roman forum. This place held prisoners in a dungeon-like setting where it was small, wet, and cold (Hill 2017). This is supposedly the place where Paul spent his time while imprisoned. 2 Timothy 4:12 gives potential facts to back up this information (Jackson 2017) for it says, “Make every effort to come to me before winter.” Paul was writing to Timothy while in prison. Paul was known to continue rejoicing and praising God for all his blessings in life while suffering in prison. This really had me thinking about the attitude I should have while living a blessed, comfortable life under the love of Jesus Christ. We can compare and contrast Christians nowadays to the life Paul lived back then. Paul was very mistreated for his beliefs but maintained a strong, faithful relationship with God. Nowadays, some Christians do undergo persecution and trials because they are Christians. Some Christians do not, but regardless, we should be striving for the joy and trust that Paul had in the Mamertine prison.

GLST 295: Study Abroad

Lauren Riley

Banquet Room, Poster #7

1 – 3 PM

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Anika Rasubala, Alexis Westbrooks

New Umpqua Ice Cream Flavor

Our project explores the idea of introducing a new ice cream flavor to local Umpqua Dairy’s product mix. It is mostly a modification to a product that the company already produces. They sell chocolate ice cream and they have cookies and cream ice cream, but what we are doing is combining the two. Competing businesses such as Tillamook Dairy have the same two products, so if Umpqua can come out with a new modification, it will set them apart from Tillamook. It appeals to chocolate and cookie lovers while still being able to buy locally. There are many other ice cream company’s that sell chocolate cookies and cream ice cream. For example, one of America’s top ice cream brand, Breyer’s, has cookies and cream chocolate ice cream blast and is almost a dollar cheaper for the same amount, but what they don’t have is the appeal of a local company. Umpqua is “family owned and family operated”. We are going to show why paying that extra dollar is worth it.

MKTG 330, Marketing

Tim Veach

SPS 100

1 – 3 PM

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Mikaila Riddle

The Humanity and Hope United Foundation

The Humanity and Hope United Foundation is about helping create opportunities in small villages in Honduras. They are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and therefore must file a 990. A Form 990 is a way for tax-exempt organizations to report their financials, while keeping it public. This allows the public and the IRS to evaluate the organizations financials and form an opinion. The presenter will be presenting about the mission and vision of this organization, their financials, and any schedules they have to prepare for tax purposes.

ACTG 470, Accounting for Non-Profit Organizations

Stacey Lewis


10 AM – Noon

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Courtney Robertson, Monique Thompson

Positive Reinforcement & the Positive Effect it has on Students in Different Grade Levels

Positive Reinforcement is widely used throughout child development to encourage the continuation or the start of good behavior, especially among students. However, the use of different forms of positive reinforcement for different grade levels is essential, because individuals tend to respond more positively when given the form of positive reinforcement that best fits their classroom culture or grade level. In this study, we explored affective forms of positive reinforcement for elementary, middle, and high school levels. Included are examples of ways to use positive reinforcement in the classroom without it being mistaken for an incentive. The difference between the two will also be discussed

EDUC 330, Child Development

Brian Kaelin

Banquet Room, Poster #10

10 AM – Noon

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Emily Shinkle, Sami Wilson

Token Economy In the Classroom

During our ACE Day Presentation we will be going over what a Token Economy is and what that looks like in the classroom. We will get into more detail about the different age groups, and if the token economy works for that specific age. During the time we will look over what a token economy looks like in an elementary school classroom and what are the different incentives that the students have at that age. Then we will discuss what this looks like in a classroom for middle school and high school aged students.

EDUC 330, Child Development

Brian Kaelin

Banquet Room, Poster #11

10 AM – Noon

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Alaina Thomson

Women in Academe

Females have long been undermined and abused throughout history when societal expectations surrounding the roles of women are challenged. In the academy, many women contest gender-based stereotypes as they strive to shatter the glass ceiling by pursuing education, careers, and advancement. Women in academia may experience substantial discrimination in comparison to their male peers. This presentation reviews four research trends in discrimination in higher education. First, prejudice against women academics is prominent in the oppressive gender inequality to which they are regularly subjected. Next, women experience bias in workplace sexism. Moreover, women of color in the academy may be additionally confronted with gender-based racial discrimination. Finally, women academics may also experience inequity based on their current or potential status as mothers, which intolerance may hinder their careers and futures. These elements of discrimination may be perpetuated largely by the dominant oft male-governed institutions of higher education. As women pursue academic careers they are stymied by the exclusive, abusive nature of predominantly male social networks, e.g., “good old boys” clubs, that ensure the success, notoriety, and advancement of men. Researchers have reported that higher education may perpetuate an environment that is hostile for women. This may be due to the attitudes and actions of administrators, fellow faculty, staff, and students toward women academics. Future directions for research are discussed, including the need to explore the gender-specific sacrifices that women academics must make to be successful in their careers and co-exist with males in mutually nurturing environment.

PSY 499, Capstone

Mary Ann Winter-Messiers


3 – 3:30 PM

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Canaan Threlfall

Parental Incarceration and its Effects on Children

Children whose parent is incarcerated struggle emotionally, behaviorally, and educationally.  Emotionally, children experience attachment issues, depression, and high levels of stress due to parental absence.  Behaviorally, children with incarcerated parents have a higher likelihood of being delinquents, and they struggle with behaviors such as aggression and conduct disorder.  Educationally, these children experience many difficulties in school. The difficulties include, trouble completing homework and the struggle to pay attention in class. These difficulties result in a lack of motivation that can lead to poor academic success and school dropout.  Research shows that providing emotional support can help children with incarcerated parents succeed emotionally, behaviorally, and educationally, thus leading to positive outcomes.

PSY 499, Capstone

Nani Skaggs


1 – 1:30 PM

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Emma Trusty

Behavior Charts in Elementary Schools

Behavior Charts in elementary schools are a common occurrence for many schools. Are they beneficial to the students that use them or are they more harmful? Students can see them as beneficial if they the students that behave and can reap the benefits they are used for. The students on the other end, the ones always in trouble due to different learning styles or with short attention spans, will never see the benefits and see it more as a punishment in front of the entire class. Many teachers have pulled their charts because they have seen how it can negatively affect the students that tend to be on the lower end of the charts. While different teaching styles create different types of charts, they tend to hurt the students more if they are not used to the best of the teacher’s ability. When used with meticulous planning and practice with small groups of students, or even at home with family, they can be very beneficial and help the students have a better sense of who they are and how they are growing as people. While there are many downfalls to having behavior charts, having some sort of tracker to check in with the students occasionally can be helpful for the students and teachers alike. Checking in can allow teachers a glimpse into how a student is doing and whether or not they need to adapt their teaching style to better teach their students. While behavior charts are not always an answer to tackling a classroom management problem, they can be beneficial to help teachers connect with their students, allow a better relationship form, and create a better environment for everyone to learn in.

EDUC 330, Child Development

Brian Kaelin

Banquet Room, Poster #12

10 AM – Noon

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Colin Watters

Pets in the Classroom

Pets are beneficial to a child’s learning. Pets increase literacy in young learners. Pets build self efficacy. Pets reduce school bullying. This is a pro pets study on the positive and negative effects of pets in the classroom.

EDUC 360, Adolescent Literacy

Brian Kaelin

Banquet Room, Poster #13

10 AM – Noon

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Jordan Weinkauf

Ebola, A Threat Assessment

Hemorrhagic fevers like Ebola have been in the news over the last several years as severe outbreaks have sprung up in West Africa.  It has captured our imagination due to its extremely virulent nature and by the spectacularly gruesome way in which kills those it infects.  In addition its origin is relatively unknown which furthers the myth of this virus.  Understandably the American public became incredibly worried, with large portions of the population concerned that the pandemic would spread to our shores.  But was all this hype really worth it?  Sure, Ebola is very deadly.  In fact in some cases it kills up to 90% of those infected.  What’s even more incredible is that it is not the virus that ultimately kills you, but rather your own immune system.  Through viral trickery, the Ebola virus silences and short circuits your immune cells causing massive internal bleeding and organ failure.  Also it can last relatively long periods on common hospital surfaces and still remain viable.  However while it is quite destructive on the individual level it seems to be relatively impotent on a global level.  Outbreaks have been severe but still remain locked to a relatively small area.  This becomes very evident if we look at the R0 number and other infection factors of the virus and we can see that it has less teeth than originally thought.  Therefore, I believe Ebola is not the harbinger of some future apocalypse, but it is an incredibly complex and fascinating virus that deserves future study.

BIOL 499, Capstone

Paul Allee


11 – 11:30 AM

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McKenzie Wirth

Conflict Styles and Using Secret Tests

Conflict styles influence how a person solves problems in his or her relationships. There are five common Conflict Styles: Accommodation, avoidance, competitive/aggressive, compromise and collaborative (Thomas, 1976). When uncertainty over a romantic partner’s commitment to the relationship arises, this could be a potential problem area in which a person’s conflict style makes a difference as to how he or she reduces uncertainty and solves this issue. Often, individuals who have an avoidant conflict style don’t like discussing problems directly with their relational partners, because they experience communication apprehension (Thomas, 1976). Thus, it’s plausible that these individuals may employ Secret Tests to reduce the uncertainty they feel towards their partner’s commitment to the relationship. There are seven common strategies: asking-third-party tests; directness tests; triangle tests; separation tests; endurance tests; public presentation tests; and indirect suggestion tests. The present study seeks to determine the following: 1) If a person has a predominately non-confrontational (passive) approach to conflict, then he or she will use indirect secret tests; and 2) If a person has a predominately solution-oriented (assertive) or controlling (aggressive) approach to conflict, then he or she will not use indirect secret tests.

COMM 499, Capstone

Doyle Srader


10:30 – 11 AM

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World History Vodcast Film Festival

World History Vodcast Film Festival

NCU World History students have taken on a challenge.  A number of ancient and medieval leaders have reappeared in the 21st century and need employment.  Come watch as our NCU students impersonate these historical characters as they try fit their skill sets and oversized personalities into the demands of the modern job market.  Can Cleopatra leverage her fashion expertise to get a job at Macy’s?  Will Genghis Khan convince the school principal that he alone can coach the football team to a winning season by cutting off hands to motivate the slackers?  Will Boudicca be able to persuade HR that although her weak spot is murdering, since her victims were only Romans, it should be considered a public service?  Welcome to the World History Vodcast Film Festival featuring these and many other displaced historical figures as they attempt to navigate the job interviewing process.

HIST 161, World History

Kathryn Hain


9:30 AM – Noon, 1 – 3:30 PM

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Scholar Lunch

Come to L203 at noon. If you’re one of the first to arrive, you can have free pizza. The meal’s entertainment consists of five minute talks by representatives from majors and minors across campus. Speakers will take a single idea they learned from their major or minor coursework, explain it, explain why it’s useful or beautiful, and explain why they personally love it. Scheduled speakers:

  • Calvin Anderson, Christian Ministry
  • Austin Dame, Business
  • Ben Drach, Biology
  • Colby Hanson, Communication
  • Zoe Herron, English
  • Delaney McMahon, Music & Worship Arts
  • Sam Nervino, Exercise Science
  • Chelsea Taylor, Psychology


Noon – 1 PM

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Taylour Backus

Study Abroad in Costa Rica

In the summer of 2016, I had the privilege of studying abroad in Costa Rica for six weeks.  I stayed with a wonderful host family in Heredia, which is fifteen minutes away from the capital, San Jose.  I studied Spanish at a local university through a program called, Sol Study Abroad.  On the weekends, my friends and I went on excursions to explore the beautiful country.  I went river rafting and zip-lining through the rain forest, watched a surf competition on a black sanded beach, played soccer and volleyball, and saw many sloths.  Although it was only for six weeks, it was a once in a lifetime experience that I will never forget.

GLST 295, Study Abroad

Lauren Riley


1 – 1:30

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Madeline Bartholomew, Hanna Mack, Joseph Piper

Team Chester Capstone Presentation

Chester’s Mission Statement

“Premium products for mainstream customers. Our brands withstand the test of time. Our stakeholders are customers, stockholders, management and employees.”

Company Strategy

We will be approaching the simulation using the “Differentiator with Product Lifecycle Focus” company strategy. Entering the market with all competitors including ourselves starting fresh we hope to gain an early advantage through high sales from a high tech product. With the introduction of our first high tech product, essentially no time has surpassed allowing for that product to become “old.” This planned successful first quarter will determine our continuing approach. By introducing new products and lowering the manufacturing quantity and price of previous products we plan to capture both the new market, as well as, be a cost leader in the old market. Ultimately, we hope to stop production of old products and sell off our inventory. By keeping a low inventory of old product we minimize the risk of having large inventories that do not sell or sell for the cost of production.

Research & Development: We will have multiple product lines in both segments. Our goal is to offer customers products that match their ideal criteria for positioning, age, and reliability.

Marketing: We will spend aggressively in promotion and sales. We want every customer to know about us, and we want to make our products easy for customers to find. We will price at a premium.

Production: We will grow capacity to meet the demand that we generate. After our products are well positioned, we will investigate modest increases in automation levels to improve margins.

Finance: We will finance our investments primarily through stock issues and cash from operations, supplementing with bond offerings on an as needed basis. When our cash position allows, we will establish a dividend policy and begin to retire stock. We are somewhat adverse to debt, and prefer to avoid interest payments. We expect to keep assets/equity (leverage) between 1.5 and 2.0.

BUS 499, Business Strategy and Policy

Dave Quirk


1 – 3 PM

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Daniel Brock, Marina Irish, Nick Rubino

Capsim Simulation Presentation – Digby

Mission Statement

Low-priced products for the industry: Our brands offer solid value. Our stakeholders are bondholders, customers, stockholders and management.


Research & Development: We will keep our existing product line and introduce at least one new line, maintaining a presence in both segments. We’ll work to keep our products up to date in each segment despite high automation levels, without sacrificing our cost/price advantage.

Marketing: Our Company will spend modestly on promoting and selling products in our industry. Our prices will be lower than average. After we establish our cost leadership position, we will revisit our situation to explore options to improve awareness and accessibility.

Production: We will significantly increase automation levels on all products. However, because automation sets limits upon our ability to reposition products with R&D, we automate more in the slower moving Low End segments than in the fast moving High End. We will prefer second shift/overtime to capacity expansions.

Finance: We will finance our investments primarily through long-term bond issues, supplementing with stock offerings on an as needed basis. When our cash position allows, we will establish a dividend policy and begin to retire stock. We are not adverse to leverage, and expect to keep assets/equity between 2.0 and 3.0.

BUS 499, Business Strategy and Policy

Dave Quirk


1 – 3 PM

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Sierra Brown, Sergio Maldonado, Barton Peterson

Mission Statement for Ferris

Here at Ferris, Our mission is to provide the newest and the most advanced sensors with the highest level of durability. Not only do we seek to provide high quality in our product but also in our customer service to ensure your satisfaction.


Research and Development:

we seek to provide our customers with the newest and most relevant products that will do more than satisfy.


Here at Ferris our goal is to promote our product in a way that makes it accessible and easy to find.


Our team will grow its production volume to meet the needs that we will continue to create. As the needs increase we will continue to meet those needs in a modest way to ensure that we keep up with the demands of high tech products.


Our goal is to finance our investments mostly through the issuing of stock and our earnings and bond offerings only if necessary.  As we become an established company we will create a dividend policy and retire stock. We seek to avoid debt in order to allow for greater gains. We will attempt to maintain an assets/equity between 1.5 and 2.0.

BUS 499, Business Strategy and Policy

Dave Quirk


1 – 3 PM

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Michael Buss

Effective Forgiveness

Given the inevitability of conflict and relational transgressions in interpersonal relationships, forgiveness plays an essential role in the maintenance of relationships. Factors, such as offense severity and blameworthiness effect the type of forgiveness, either direct, indirect, or conditional, and even if someone will choose to forgive at all. If the act of forgiveness is not sincere, the forgiving party’s negative affect will not be reduced. Sincere forgiveness is strongly correlated with a sincere apology.

COMM 413, Advanced Interpersonal Communication

Doyle Srader

Banquet Room, poster #1

10 AM – Noon

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David Carrasco

Christ’s Ascension

My capstone project will inspire individuals to reflection based on the understanding of the relevance of Christ’s ascension to today’s world. I will focus on three main events that make up the ascension as a whole: The Word blesses us, we, as disciples, worship Him, we recognize the great joy in Christ and praise Him. Knowledge of these events, while the event itself remains a mystery because of its indescribable characteristics, will be expounded upon by the study of biblical, historical and theological references. Special attention will be paid to the actions of the disciples directly after Christ’s ascension into heaven.

MUS 499, Capstone

Karen De Young

Banquet Room, poster #2

10 AM – Noon

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Chloe Combs & Joseph Laurendeau

Redefining Communication and Education Through Storytelling and the Arts.

The majority of the world’s population identify as oral learners, meaning they more effectively understand and exchange information by means other than reading and writing. Despite this fact, oral communication has become a lost art over the years. Education systems and daily human interaction have come to rely on technology and print communication almost exclusively. This presentation focuses on the power and importance of orality-based communication, and addresses the benefits and validity of storytelling and the arts in education.

CM 499, Capstone

Terry O’Casey


10 – 10:30 AM

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Austin Dame

DameGood Innovation

This presentation will address the following: innovation, creation, evolution, and future direction of a student-created product. The opening priority is to address what innovation is, and how this concept was applied towards discovering a solution to a problem within the outdoors industry. The next approach in this presentation is to expand on the benefits the product offers and the variety of ways it can be utilized. In this segment, the product will be examined and compared. The following section is to explain the evolution of the product and break down the research and development process. In this stage, the variety of materials, suppliers worked with, and environmental necessities that have been applied to the product will be addressed. The final step is to break down the personal learning process, while expressing the personal future objectives with this product. Essentially, this presentation will take an in-depth look at what happens when a student is developing a product.

MKTG 434, Consumer Behavior

Pete Diffenderfer

Banquet Room, poster #3

10 AM – Noon

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Lesly Eran

Exploring: The Positive Outcomes After Breaking Up

The affirmation of romantic relationships is very important for individuals because this can reinforce the sense of identity and self-esteem in people. Researchers have found that positive emotions can occur following a breakup, particularly when different personal growths happen after the dissolution. Moreover, researchers also advise various methods to overcome the ending of a romantic relationship.

COMM 413, Advanced Interpersonal Communication

Doyle Srader

Banquet Room, poster #4

10 AM – Noon

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Michelle Fletcher

Dental Caries: A review of pathogenesis and genetically linked predispositions

Bacteria are small unicellular organisms that can cause an array of human diseases. They can take on a variety of shapes and sizes and can infect through many different modes of transfer. Streptococcus mutans is a spherical, Gram-positive bacterium that is responsible for causing dental caries. This disease is characterized by the breakdown of calcified tooth tissue, and is known more commonly as “cavities”. Studying and understanding the pathogenesis of a disease such as dental caries is helpful for medical professionals to recognize and treat the disease.

Besides understanding the exact mechanisms through which S. mutans invades and infects, it is also worth exploring any genetic predispositions for dental caries. The completion of the Human Genome Project has allowed researchers to sequence complete human gene extracts. With this information, researchers have been able to determine which genes and proteins are responsible for resistance or susceptibility to caries. Alterations to protein expression can lead to modifications in enamel structure, immune response, and sugar metabolism. Any of these modifications make one increasingly susceptible to disease.

Understanding pathogenesis and knowing genetic risk factors for diseases are two powerful weapons in combatting against them. Preventative measures should be taken when fighting against dental caries. Vaccines have been developed with some success, but perhaps the greatest method of prevention rests in low sugar diets and the daily practice of brushing.

BIOL 499, Capstone

Paul Allee


10 – 10:30 AM

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Marya Gogoleva, Jack Hackman, Lisa Ham

Capstone/Team Andrews

We strive to be a Cost Leader within our industry with a focus on Product Lifecycle and to create reliable products for mainstream customers. Our, Product Lifecycle Focus will allow for a healthy balance between high tech and low tech products. Our goal is to provide our customers with reliable and reasonably priced electronic sensors.

BUS 499, Business Strategy and Policy

Dave Quirk


1 – 3 PM

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Colby Hanson

The Complexity of Being a Good Comforter

Knowing how to comfort effectively can make a significant difference in how people close to you are able to deal with difficult situations. There are many different suggested approaches to comforting, but few are backed by research. Results from studies have demonstrated that effective comforting doesn’t come from an effective trait or technique, but rather a “person- centered” approach that takes into account the distressed person and elements of the situation.

COMM 413, Advanced Interpersonal Communication

Doyle Srader

Banquet Room, poster #5

10 AM – Noon

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Colby Hanson

Crossing the Finish Line the Wrong Way

Physical appearance is often the first source of information that people gain when seeing/meeting others for the first time. This study observed what happened when this wasn’t the case. Participants were shown a story about someone before seeing a picture of that person. Results found that showing a negative story about someone attractive, and then showing a picture of that person, significantly decreased the perceived attractiveness of the person compared to uninformed ratings. When an unattractive person was paired with a positive story, and an average looking person was paired with a neutral story, there were positive, but insignificant changes in the perception of attractiveness.

COMM 499, Capstone

Doyle Srader


1 – 1:30 PM

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Lori Hawley

Music Industry

My capstone is a recording project that highlights the process of a sound engineer and all steps involved in creating a professionally produced song. After the planning process is conducted the recording and collaboration then takes place in the studio followed by editing the vocals. Using my knowledge of music theory, along with my piano lessons I plan to create a soundscape of sounds in addition to the vocals. I will then play and record a variety of live and virtual instruments into the project. The next step involves editing the recordings, followed by mixing and mastering the song.

MUS 499, Capstone

Karen De Young


11 – 11:30 AM

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