Brooke Silvernail

The Ins and Outs of Studying Abroad

Before I had gone to Granada, Spain, I had always dreamed of knowing what it would be like to travel to a different country and learn about its culture. Now that I have studied abroad, I know all of the ins and outs of how to study abroad: finding a program, preparing for departure, starting your experience, and enjoying your stay. Although it may seem like an arduous task, the hardest part to studying abroad is getting there. After listening to my story, you will learn about the study abroad process and get a glimpse of what it feels like to be an international student.

SPAN 499, Senior Capstone

Jenae Cazares


11:30 AM – Noon

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Amanda Sisul & Luke Smith

Protection for Shears

Our project is creating a product for Haus and Garten. There were many options when deciding on what product to create. We decided to create a product that is protection for the shears. To give a visual example it is like what you put on scissors. We are doing this for safety reasons and so that the shears on the pruners remain sharp and don’t rust. This product would greatly benefit the Haus and Garten company.

MKTG 230, Intro to Marketing

Christy Silverthorne

Bucher Room

1 – 2:30 PM

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Hana Slayden, Jayden Soriano & John Stephens

Renewal L+L

We are presenting our business as mission idea of Renewal L+L, a laundry and landscape buisness that focuses on hiring homeless or people of low income to get them back into the work force.

BUS 240, Theology and Practice of Business as Mission

Pete Diffenderfer

Bucher Room

10 AM – Noon

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Zoe Tomlin

An Understanding of Jonah.

This capstone paper is about the Biblical book of Jonah. It is taking all the elements found in Jonah and tying in psychological theories and ideas to see if Jonah was truly a loser or if there is another element of the story people have been missing. Jonah is a prophet called by God to go to the great city of Nineveh and preach to them about repenting or else they would be destroyed. The city of Nineveh is hated by most and does many sinful acts, so it would be understandable that Jonah would want to avoid that area. According to Jonah, he would rather die then help the helpless. But Jonah is God’s prophet and he is called to deliver God’s Word.

IDS 499, Senior Capstone

James Berry


1 – 1:30 PM

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Cole Vamos

Social Anxiety, Depression, and Peer Pressure Amongst College Life

In this evidence-based synthesis paper, I reviewed findings and discoveries across 15 empirical studies ranging from 2001 to 2023 to summarize current knowledge and new information about social anxiety, peer pressure, and depressive disorders within college students. I included different demographics and geographics, ethnicity, age, and gender. The main methods of research conducted through these studies were questionnaires to access and categorize the different levels of anxiety or depression, depending on the study. These methods allowed discoveries with emerging adults entering college life, and those who already attend college, therefore showing where these symptoms form or have originally formed prior to college life. Overall, there was an increase in prevalence of cases of college students dealing with different forms of social anxiety, as well as depressive symptoms. Symptoms varied depending on cases, the majority related to negative habits like drinking or drug addiction which led to negative self-esteem, even deliberate self-harm. Furthermore, future studies will only extend further knowledge or develop more evidence based facts about depressive symptoms and social anxiety amongst college life.

PSY 499, Senior Capstone

Erin Mueller

Womack 100

11:30 AM – Noon

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Taylor C. Van Rysselberghe

The Trauma Trident: Biopsychosocial-spiritual Framework for Identifying Impacts of Trauma

Trauma is quickly becoming recognized as a major component in the lives of nearly all who are suffer from mental health issues or disorders. The Trauma Trident is a conceptual framework for defining and identifying trauma through the use of the biopsychosocial model and the added component of spirituality. Furthermore, trauma is highlighted as a type of wounding that occurs from the power of harmful memories consisting of lost autonomy, lies we hear from others, and lies we end up telling ourselves. The Trauma Trident aims to expand upon current means of identifying trauma and promote mental wellness and clarity through the attainment of insight concerning symptoms which have significantly impacted important areas of an individual’s life.

CMHC 699, Capstone

Mindi Barta

Siefke 100

10 – 11 AM

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Byron Velazquez

Surviving the Waters

I will talk about a story presented in the History book called Traditions and Encounters.

The story is called The Flood Story: The Epic of Gilgamesh. The story will be presented in a storyboard that illustrates the important scenes of this story. The story talks about a flood that collapsed and destroyed the entire city, but a person had a warning from a divine entity that warned him about this disaster. This person had time to prepare and throw in what he believed would be vital to survive on a ship. After Surviving he had a reward which was immortality.

This story has a very notable similarity to Noah’s Ark since they are quite similar circumstances but have different outcomes.

I would like to talk about the differences and similarities that exist between both stories since as Christians we are very familiar with one of the two stories and comparing it with another story would help us expand our knowledge.

HIST 161, World History I

Stephen Andes


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1 – 4 PM

Justin Walton

Finding Purpose in Creation

The Mayan people had a particular focus on agriculture in their lives. Maize was particularly important in everything that they did. Water was also the bloodline of the community as nothing grew without it. The story of the Popol Vuh is the Mayan creation story. After a failed attempt of creating humans, the Mayan gods were consoled by animals who advised them to use maize and water in their creation project. The first people were formed out of maize and water. The animals in this creation story are also significant as the lives of the Mayan people included all of nature, not just the crucial maize and water. While the Mayan gods couldn’t create humans out of nothing, God created the first human out of dust. In Mayan culture, the food and water give humans life, in Christianity it is God who gives us life. Just as agriculture was the focus point of the Mayan lifestyle, God is the focus point of the Christian’s life. In the Christian creation story, God created everything and needed no help. This contrasts the Mayan story in which the gods needed the help of the animals, plants, and water around them to create life.

HIST 161, World History I

Stephen Andes


1 – 4 PM

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Abigail Weston

Discovering Confucius

The story I will be telling is about a man who pursued a higher place of authority than he could receive, and in the process, he ended up leaving a lasting legacy on all of China. This story is one of the birth of Confucian Philosophy and the rebirth of unification in China. I am hoping to leave the audience with a unique perspective on Confucianism and the man Confucius. “Confucius on food Government” features the lesson of Confucius on the ideal ruler. In the eyes of Confucius, a righteous ruler retains benevolence, humanity, propriety, and filial piety. Confucius calls these characteristics Ren, Li, and Xiao. Duke Ai and Ji Kang both sought Confucius’s advice on how to “secure the submission of the people,” (Bentley, Ziegler, and Streets Salter 2015, 104) the answer they receive highlights these attributes. I plan to provide my audience with an unfamiliar perspective on Confucius’s life, his lasting message on government, and his impact on China and the world today.

HIST 161, World History I

Stephen Andes


1 – 4 PM

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Austin Wolfe

Gardening Starter Kit

I will be showcasing a product I want to show to Haus and Garten. The product is a a beginner gardening kit for new gardeners. The idea is to get more people into gardening. With this product we want to make it easy and beneficial for the consumers to use it and to gain a positive experience from it. I hope that the beginner gardening kit will bring pleasure and felicity to those who want to pursue gardening as a hobby or career.

MKTG 230, Intro to Marketing

Christy Silverthorne

Bucher Room

1 – 2:30 PM

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Ian Woodcock

Synthetic Generation of Genomic Datasets using Synthetic Data Vault

Many wonder what the mysterious world of coding can allow you to do. The first things that come to mind are software UI (User Interface) or UX (User Experience), maybe game development, and many other things out there. But there is one field that may seem to be hidden from the world. All are found in some virtual underground dungeon. No, I am not taking you to the dark web. I am talking about data analysis and machine learning. Python is the best programming language that allows you to manipulate Excel datasets. From containing personal information of customers to numbers of statistics of a store and their items. We can use those kinds of datasets and use one to program it to run through an algorithm to give us simply a score. In this, we will be dealing with DNA genomic datatsets and we will put it through an algorithm that creates synthetic genomic data. The score will specifically focus on the broadness to unuiqueness of the type of genomic data in the original dataset and the new dataset.

SFTE 499, Senior Capstone

Ernest Bonat

Richardson 100

10 – 10:30 AM

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