Bushnell Apparel Analysis
The following examination is based on the visual analytical tool designed and described by Paul Martin Lester in his book Visual Communications: Images With Messages. This tool thoroughly deconstructs each component of a visual text so that its content and context are effectively comprehended and synthesized. This analysis was done on the 2020 Bushnell University attire. The first portion of the research was to analyze the apparel with the aforementioned analytical tool. It was concluded by the researcher that the products of Bushnell University are primarily informative in nature, in that they are designed to communicate a simple message of a group membership. Additionally, the minimalist style of the products, including the logo of the beacon and name, adds to the emphasis on the community rather than to extraneous details that a more complex design might include. In this way, given the intended function of the merchandise, it was concluded that the message communicated by the apparel’s design was effective. The second portion was, based upon the results of the instrument, to offer additional apparel designs that address the critiques of the original designs as well as provide a more diverse range of options for the university. Two possible applications to increase product diversity are the use of nontraditional text placements and nontraditional textile styles. For the nontraditional text placements, the university’s mission statement could be both plain-texted on the back and inverse-texted on the back. For nontraditional textile styles, a long sleeve, extra long, curved hem, shirt is an excellent example of more modern styles that could be adopted for product diversity.
Keywords: Bushnell University, Apparel, Designs,
COMM 407, Special Topics: Visual Communication
Doyle Srader
10 AM – Noon
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